АкушерствоАнатомияАнестезиологияВакцинопрофилактикаВалеологияВетеринарияГигиенаЗаболеванияИммунологияКардиологияНеврологияНефрологияОнкологияОториноларингологияОфтальмологияПаразитологияПедиатрияПервая помощьПсихиатрияПульмонологияРеанимацияРевматологияСтоматологияТерапияТоксикологияТравматологияУрологияФармакологияФармацевтикаФизиотерапияФтизиатрияХирургияЭндокринологияЭпидемиология

Higher Education in the USA

  1. Education in Russia
  2. Education in the U.K.
  3. High education in Great Britain
  4. Higher Education in the USA
  5. Higher Education in the USA
  6. Methods of language teaching and language education.
  7. School education in Britain

1. Higher education in America is provided by colleges and universities. The main difference between a college and a university is that the latter is a collection of college each of which specializes in a different field.

2. American colleges and universities are either private or public. There are nearly 1900 institutes of higher learning in America. Roughly one-third are state institutions, 1.200 are private ones. Only about half of the school children graduate from high school in America and receive a high school diploma. College is getting more expensive every year. Not all American families can afford universities education.

3. The American high school offers a wide variety of courses. In the same school a student can specialize in economics, in chemistry and physics, Latin and humanities, or in automobile mechanics. During the four-year high school program, the student studies four or five major subjects per year. In addition the students usually have classes in physical education, music and art. The first two years are a continuation of secondary education; then a student begins an intensive study of his special field. If a student fails a course, he repeats only that course and not the work of the entire year.

4. Students are classified as freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. A freshman is a first year student; a sophomore, a second year student; a junior, a third year student; and a senior, a fourth year student. All students who have graduated from the senior class and who continue studies at a university are classified as advanced students or graduate students.

5. At the conclusion of studies a college or university grants a bachelor’s degree; after one or two additional years of studies – a master’s degree. The highest academic degree is the Doctor of Philosophy (RhD). It may take a number of years to complete the original research work necessary to obtain this degree.

6. College prepares students for two things: either graduate studies, leading to a master’s or doctor’s degree, or a job immediately after graduation. The majority of college graduates have to apply to public and private employment agencies to get any job, which is not an easy thing.





Lesson 11

An Educated Man and Computer


1. Words and word-combinations:


§ founder - засновник

§ user - користувач

§ to survive - виживати

§ nuclear war - ядерна війна

§ to provide - постачати, забезпечувати

§ to embrace - охоплювати

§ to have access - мати доступ

§ to receive - отримувач

§ to conduct transactions - проводити.....

§ to handle - справлятися

§ to create - створювати

§ to enable - давати можливість

§ ability - здатність

§ value - цінність

§ certain task - конкретне завдання

§ accurately - точно

§ to change people’s view - змінювати переконання

§ the shortest path - найкоротший шлях

§ to invent - винаходити

§ to run programs on the computer - запускати програми в комп’ютер

§ hardware - апаратне забезпечення

§ software - програмне забезпечення

§ connection - зв’язок

§ keyboard - клавіатура

§ to run on the computer - запускати на комп’ютері

§ word processing program - текстовий редактор

§ spreadsheets program - бухгалтерська програма

§ database management program - програма управління базами даних

§ graphics program - графічний редактор

§ desktop publishing program - видавнича програма

§ to type - друкувати

§ to save information - зберігати інформацію

§ to retrieve information - обновляти інформацію

§ to store information - накоплювати інформацію

§ PC - персональний комп’ютер

§ local network - локальна сітка (тенета)

§ hard disk - жорсткий диск

§ floppy disk - гнучкий диск

§ diskette - дискети

§ vendor - продавець

§ to process data - оброблювати дані

§ customer accounting - розрахунок з клієнтом

§ to solve mathematical problems - розв’язувати математичні задачі

§ to put data - закладати дані

§ inventory control - інвентаризаційний контроль

§ warehousing - складування

§ preparation of payrolls - підготовка відомостей

§ to include - включати в себе

§ to manufacture - виробляти

§ to lease - здавати в оренду

§ to supply - постачати

§ to perform - виконувати

§ calculation - обчислювання (обчислення)

§ to process information - обробляти, переробляти інформацію

§ forerunner - провісник

§ to contain - вміщувати в собі


2. Read and translate the text:

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