The World Wide Web
The part of the Internet called World Wide Web (or, Web) allows authors to use an old-fashioned idea – that of footnotes – in a new way. When an author of a magazine article or a book insert a footnote symbol, we scan the bottom of the page and are possibly directed to another page or book. Authors of Internet computer documents can do essentially the same thing using a technique that will underline or highlight a word, a phrase, or an image in their document.
The highlighted word or image is a clue to the reader that an associated Internet resource, often another document, exists. This Internet document can be fetched and displayed immediately for the reader. The document may even be on a different computer and located in another country. David Peal, author of Access the Internet!, notes that this technique “links you to actual documents, not just references to them.”
The Web also supports the storage and retrieval, or playing, of photographs, graphics, animations, videos, and sounds. Loma, the housewife mentioned at the outset of the previous article, obtained and played a short color movie of the current theories regarding the universe. She heard the narration through her computer’s audio system.
Lesson 12
My Future Profession
1. Words and word-combinations:
§ to acquire - набувати
§ feature - риса
§ to make up financial reports - складати фінансові звіти
§ to prepare invoices - підготувати рахунки
§ balance sheets - балансові звіти
§ to draft budget - скласти бюджет
§ obligations - обов´язки
§ taxation system - система оподаткування
§ executive - керівник
§ transactions - угоди
§ financial status - фінансовий статут
§ to be skillful - бути умілим, вправним
§ to be experienced - бути досвідченим
§ to cope with - справлятися з …
§ profits - прибутки
§ peculiar - особливий
§ marketing research manager - менеджер з дослідження ринку
§ product manager - менеджер з виробництва
§ advertising manager - менеджер з реклами
§ sales and finance manager - менеджер з продажу та фінансів
§ to carry out decisions - вирішувати
§ to make up contracts - складати контракти
§ to conduct business talks - вести ділові переговори
§ to perform one’s work - виконувати свою роботу
§ to make smb. do smth. - примушувати когось робити щось
2. Read and translate the texts:
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