Travelling and Going through Customs
There is no doubt that modern life is impossible without travelling. You can travel private or on business. In any case traveling is the best way of relaxation because you have a chance to visit a place where you have never been before. So you can go there by bus, by train, by car, by air or by sea. Everything depends on your taste and money.
Today people especially businessmen prefer to travel by air because it is more comfortable, more convenient and of course much quicker than any other means of transport.
So if you are going to travel by air for example abroad first of all you have to phone a booking-office and book a seat for a plane in advance. Then you pack your things and find information about the place you are going to. Besides you have to settle your business. On day of departure you arrive at the airport an hour before the plane takes off. At the airport you fill in a declaration. Here you have to mention those things which are liable to duty. Then you go to the registration zone. The clerk registers your ticket and your passport. The Customs official makes inspection of your things. If everything is O.K. you can visit duty-free shop or have a cup of tea or coffee at the bar.
You wait for an announcement to get on the plane. On the board of the plane the stewardess shows you your seat. As usual seats are very comfortable and you can enjoy the flight, reading a newspaper, sleeping or speaking to a new acquaintance.
Soon, the plane will land and arrive at its destination exactly on time.
3. Answer the following questions:
1. Is modern and business life impossible without traveling? What do you think?
2. What purpose can you travel on, in general?
3. Why is it considered that traveling is the best way of relaxation?
4. What do you prefer to travel by? Why?
5. Which is the best way of traveling for businessmen, especially nowadays? Why?
6. If you are going to travel abroad what kind of transport would you like to choose?
7. What do you have to do first, if you are going to travel abroad by air?
8. How early is it desirable to arrive at the airport? Why?
9. Is it necessary to wait for any announcement? Why?
10. Who shows you your seats, who can bring a glass of coke or mineral water and give you a newspaper or a magazine to read?
11. How quickly is the plane going to arrive at its destination?
4. Fill in the gaps with the missing words:
- Modern life is impossible ________________ _______________.
- You can travel _________________ or __________________.
- _____________________ is the best way of ___________________.
- You can travel by _________________, by _____________, by _______________.
- Everything ________________ _________ your taste and money.
- First of all, if you travel by air, you have to phone to ________________ and book a ___________________ for a ______________ in advance.
- On day of ____________________ you arrive at the __________________ an hour before the plane _______________ ______.
- At the airport you _______________ _______ a declaration.
- You have to mention things which are _____________ to ____________.
- The _________ _______________ makes inspection of your things.
- The clerk register your ________________ and _____________________.
- You wait for an announcement to _________________ on the ____________.
- On the ________________- of the _______________ the stewardess shows you your seat.
- Soon the plane will____________________ and arrive at its _______________ exactly on time.
5. Find English equivalents of the following Ukrainian words:
Без сумніву; подорожувати літаком (поїздом, машиною, морем); каса; завчасно замовити квиток на літак; у день вильоту; заповнити декларацію; підлягати стягненню мита; проводити огляд речей; сісти в літак; приземлитися; прибувати в аеропорт; реєструвати квиток та паспорт; пройти у зону реєстрації; митник; почути оголошення про посадку на літак; платити податок; віза (транзитна, в’їзна); бути громадянином... країни; віза – прострочена; мета візиту; американське посольство; багажна квитанція; заплатити за зайву вагу; вагон-ресторан; вагон першого класу; відправлятися з платформи 5; розпочати подорож; кінцева зупинка.
6. Read and translate the following dialogues:
І. Buying a ticket:
A: - Good morning. What can I do for you?
B: - I want to fly to London. Are there any seats available on Wednesday, next week?
A: - Are you flying alone, sir?
B: - Yes.
A: - What class?
B: - Economy.
A: - Just a moment, sir…I’ll check…yearh…there are few seats left.
B: - Fine.
A: - What is your name, sir?
B: - Victor Klimenko.
A: - As a rule, we sell Ukrainian citizens return tickets.
B: - OK. How much is it?
A: - It’s one thousand, one hundred & fifty-five grivnas, including airport taxes.
B: - May I pay cash?
A: - Certainly, sir. Here you are. Flight PS 501.
B: - What time is the flight due to depart?
A: - It leaves at 8.55 a.m., but you must check in one hour prior to departure, sir.
B: - And at what time does it arrive in London?
A: - 10.30 local time. There’s 2 hours time difference, you know.
B: - Thank you very much.
II. At the Airport:
A: - Excuse me…Are you Mr. Cartwright?
B: - Yes.
A: - I am Vladimir Ivanov, from TST Systems. How do you do?
B: - How do you do!
A: - Have I kept you waiting?
B: - Oh, no…the plane’s just arrived. Thank you for coming to meet me.
A: - Not at all. Did you have a good trip?
B: - Yes. Thank you. I was airsick a bit, but now I am OK.
A: - My car’s just outside the airport. Shall my driver take your suitcase?
B: - Oh, yes…Thank you.
III. At the Airport:
A: - Excuse me. Could you tell me where the Ukraine International Airlines counter is?
B: - Certainly, just go up to the escalator here on your right & you’ll see it.
Here is your ticket. Your flight is now boarding at the gate 50. Go down concourse D. to your left there.
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