A Telephone Call. When Americans answer the telephone, they say, “Hello.” Not so in other countries
When Americans answer the telephone, they say, “Hello.” Not so in other countries. Germans methodically answer with their last names. Russians say, “I’m listening.” The curious French say, “Hello, who’s on the line?”, Italians greet callers with “Ready”, the English answer with their phone number, and the Chinese say, “Hey, Hey, who are you?”
A telephone call from a friend is a joy, unless you are in the middle of a meal, having a bath or on the point of going out to an engagement for which you are already late. But even when you have time, a telephone conversation cannot be savoured and rerun several times as a letter can. You cannot put a blue ribbon around a sentimental telephone call and keep it for years.
A letter sender in effect is saying, “I am setting aside some of my time for you alone, I am thinking of you. This is more important to me than all the other things that I could be doing.”
Lesson 7
Travelling and Going through Customs
- Words and word-combinations:
Part One:
§ railroad (U. K.)
railway (U. S.) - залізниця
§ single ticket (U. K.)
one-way ticket (U. S.) - квиток в один кінець
§ return ticket (U. K.)
round-trip ticket (U. S.) - зворотний квиток (“туди й назад”)
§ luggage (U. K.)
baggage (U. S.) - багаж
§ to book a ticket (U. K.)
to make a reservation (U. S.) - камера схову
§ sleeping car (U. K.)
pullman (U. S.) - спальний вагон
§ track - колія
§ express - експрес
§ make a trip (journey) - поїхати куди-небудь, подорожувати
§ take a trip (journey) - розпочати подорож
§ travel by train (plane, car) - подорожувати поїздом (на літаку, на машині)
§ destination - місце призначення
§ personal need - особиста потреба
§ counter - стійка, вікно реєстрації
§ overweight - переваження
§ luggage collection point - видача багажу
§ gate - вихід
§ concourse (U. S.) - зал, вестибюль
§ travel card - проїзний квиток
§ lost property office - бюро знахідок
§ terminus / termini - кінцева зупинка / зупинки
§ commuter’s train - пасажирський потяг
§ carriage - вагон
§ compartment - купе
§ attendant - провідник
§ hitchhike - їздити автостопом
§ luggage-rack - полиця багажна
§ berth - полиця у вагоні
§ delay - затримка
§ to be due to arrive - повинен (згідно розкладу)
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