Recall the titles, polite expressions and greetings which are used in a telephone conversation
Divide the following words and expressions into logical groups:
Hello/ Good morning/ Pleased to meet you/ How are you/ How do you do/ Good bye/ Bye/ Hi/ Good night/Have a nice day/See you next week/ Captain Thomas / Sir/ Ma’am/ Private Harris/ Sergeant Smith / Mr/ Ms/ Mrs/ See you later/ See you soon.

2. Listen to dialogue 1 and complete it with the missing information. Answer the following questions:
Dispatcher: 112 Emergency Services.
Caller: There is … on fire in the car park!
Dispatcher: Please, try to calm down. Are there any people inside?
Caller: Yes, I can see … people.
Dispatcher: What is your name?
Caller: My name is...
Dispatcher: I will send …and the fire service.
1. Who is speaking?
2. What has happened?
3. How many people were injured?
4. What responsibilities does the dispatcher have at his workplace?
5. What decision does the dispatcher make at the end of the conversation?
3. Match the questions and the answers:
A. Hello, do you have time to answer some questions?
| 1. Control staff work shifts.
| B. What do you do at work?
| 2. Why not. Sit down please. Just a moment, here’s a telephone call. I have to answer.
| C. Do you have to work overtime?
| 3. Put on the headphones and listen to the tape!
| D. Oh, I see. It’s not an easy job. Can we stay here and see you at work?
| 4. It’s difficult to say, their amount varies. If you are interested in, you can listen to the record of my calls.
| E. It is such a responsibility to help people in danger! Their life depends on your help! How many calls a day do you usually answer?
| 5. Yes, certainly. I can tell you about my job.
| F. It would be great!
| 6. We receive calls. Besides we send fire brigades to the scene, we help people under stress, give them instructions and psychological support.
4. Read the expressions and divide them into groups according to their functions: request, agreement, rejection, order, acceptance, support:
Can you spell your name? Can you repeat it? Calm down! Don’t worry! Don’t be frightened! I’m sorry sir, Captain Marks told me to stay here. Could you speak slowly, please? Come with me! Show me your identification, sir! Yes, sir! Get out! Yes, Captain. We are doing what we can.. Could you take the message for Captain Rogers? Could you complete this for me please, sir? Speak slowly! Yes, ma’am! Help is coming.
5. Read the following dialogues and determine the subject of the conversations and their styles:
Dialogue number
| Subject
| Style
| lift
| drink
| Formal
| Neutral
| Casual
1. – I wonder if you’d like me to drive you to the station?
– That’s really most awfully kind of you. Thank you so much.
– Do get in.
2. – Perhaps I could offer you something to drink while you’re waiting.
– That’s very kind of you, but I really don’t think I should….
– Are you sure I can’t persuade you? Just a small one?
– Well…Perhaps just a very small one. Thank you so much.
3. – Want a drink? Seeing as you’re waiting anyway?
– No. I’d better not, thanks.
– Sure? Come on, just a drop, eh?
– Oh, all right then. But only a small one though, eh?
4. – Would you like a lift to the station?
– Oh yes, thank you very much.
– Good. In you get then.
5. – Want a lift to the station?
– Yeah. Thanks.
– Right. Hop in.
6. – How about something to drink while you’re waiting?
– Thank you very much but I don’t think I should.
– Not even a small one?
– Well perhaps just a very small one, then. Thanks.
6. Match the function and the sentence:
1. making a suggestion
| A. You haven’t said anything yet. What do you think?
| 2. showing enthusiasm
| B. When did the fire brigade arrive?
| 3. greeting
| C. He’s about your age, but a bit taller, and thinner.
| 4. showing sympathy
| D. The fire started at about 7.30 p.m.
| 5. asking for information
| E. Why don’t you go and see a doctor?
| 6. giving an opinion
| F. That’s disastrous!
| 7. describing a person
| G. I just don’t know what to do.
| 8. asking for an opinion
| H. Hello, Mike. Fancy seeing you here!
| 9. showing disagreement
| I. I think it was a very stupid thing to do.
| 10. expressing anxiety
| J. No, that’s not right, that’s not right at all.
| 11. denying
| K. It wasn’t me who did it.
| 12. giving information
| L. Oh, I am sorry, I really am.
7. Say how to:
1. ask to speak to someone.
2. ask the caller to calm down and speak slowly.
3. ask the caller to hold on.
4. ask the caller about the number of casualties and their condition.
5. ask the caller about the details of the accident (where? when? what?)
6. inform the caller about the first aid measures.
7. promise to send emergency services.
8. Work in pairs. Write the conversation in full:
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