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Fire Report

  1. Пероральный тест толерантности к глюкозе ( Report of WHO Consultation ,1999)

Name of officer: Bernie Ash

Date of Incident: 23.12.2012

Time of Incident: 0630 – 0800

Place of Incident: Harley Hall



Smoke was pouring from the house when I arrived. The fire had clearly started in the kitchen area. Two men from Thaxton and one from Worcester were positioned around the building. The gas main was turned off immediately and a resident who had been woken by the fire alarm was found in the hallway. He was taken to hospital by ambulance.

Six valuable Winston Churchill paintings in the corridor were saved, the dining room door had been locked, restricting the flames to the East wing. After the fire had been completely extinguished, a body was found in the kitchen. Based on my observations at the time, and evidence that has come to light, it is my belief that this fire was started deliberately. The furnishings have been extensively damaged and the roof of the East wing has collapsed. This part of the house has been closed for safety reasons.


26. Read the summary of an incident and complete the report:

On 18 March 2012 at 1200, Captain James White (I.D. A33578X) was dispatched to the sector 54, at 24 High Street, Apartment 2A in Blueville in order to investigate reports of an arson in the vicinity of the town, grid 561943. There he interviewed a witness who had seen the arsonist. He identified himself as John Bells, DOB 12 Nov. 1969, resident at 67 Church Street, Apartment 17B in Bluegate. Mr. Bells stated that the arsonist was male, but he wasn’t able to identify the suspect, because he was wearing a mask at the moment of crime. Captain White examined the fire scene and collected physical evidences, such as some burning patterns which he submitted for analysis later. He gave the full description of the incident enclosing his report N 56879 D to the senior officer for further enquiries.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 696 | Нарушение авторских прав

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