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Open-circuit SCBAs

  1. Closed-circuit SCBAs


1. A person wearing a breathing mask with a hood on.

This face piece attaches with a regulator to form a full SCBA

2. SCBA packs carried on a rack in a firetruck


10. Read the text and find the answers to the following questions:

1. Why are the composite cylinders preferred by fire departments?

2. Which safety measures are to be taken while handling air cylinders?

3. What are the advantages of air cylinders?

SCBA apparatus with PASS device (ADSU)

(Personal Alert Safety System or Automatic Distress Signal Unit)


Air cylinders are made of aluminium, steel, or of a composite construction (usually carbon-fiber wrapped.) The composite cylinders are the lightest in weight and are therefore preferred by fire departments (UK: fire brigades), but they also have the shortest lifespan and must be taken out of service after 15 years. Air cylinders must be hydrostatically tested every 5 years for composite cylinders, and every 5 years for metal cylinders. During extended operations, empty air cylinders can be quickly replaced with fresh ones and then refilled from larger tanks in a cascade storage system or from an air compressor brought to the scene.



carbon-fiber wrapped – покрытый углеродным волокном

lifespan n – срок службы

extended – продолжительный


11. Match the definitions and the names of materials:


A. light silver grey metal 1. tin
B. chemical element found in all living things existing in a pure state as diamond, graphite, etc. 2. metal
C. strong hard metal which is made of a mixture of iron and carbon 3. gold
D. type of solid mineral substance that is hard and shiny and that heat and electricity can travel through 4. carbon
E. soft silver-white metal that is often mixed with other metals or used to cover them to prevent them from rusting 5. aluminium
F. yellow precious metal used to make decorative objects 6. steel

12. Fill in the table with the proper degree of comparison:


light   the lightest
    the most useful
  more reliable  
    the strongest
    the hardest

13. Match the definition and the right type of a breathing apparatus:

A. breathing apparatus which was used in the past 1. SCBA
B. type of BA which is dependent on the supply of air through a long hose 2. SCUBA
C. type of filter which recirculates exhaled gas 3. open-circuit SCBA
D. type of BA used by divers in underwater operations 4. closed-circuit SCBA
E. type of BA which is preferred by firefighters 5. rebreather


14. Read the text and discuss in the group the following points:

1. The main application areas for SCBAs.

2. The materials modern SCBAs are made of.

3. The advantages modern SCBAs give to firefighters.

4. Technological improvements incorporated in SCBAs’ design.


There are two major application areas for SCBA, fire fighting, and industrial use. For fire fighting, the design emphasis is on heat and flame resistance above cost. SCBA designed for fire fighting tend to be expensive because of the exotic materials used to provide the flame resistance and to reduce the weight penalty on the fire fighter. In addition, modern firefighting SCBAs incorporate a PASS device (Personal Alert Safety System) or an ADSU (Automatic Distress Signal Unit) into their design. These units emit distinctive high pitched alarm tones to help locate firefighters in distress. In firefighting use, the layout of the breathing set should not interfere with the ability to carry a rescued person over the firefighter's shoulders.


weight penalty – нагрузка

emit v – издавать

layout n – конструкция

interfere with v – препятствовать

Volunteer firefighter wearing a SCBA

15. Make a detailed description of the protection equipment of a firefighter using the following structure:


When I am on duty, I wear ….which includes….. to protect myself.

To deal with fires, I use such instruments as….

To move my equipment up and down, I take ….

For checking ceilings and walls I need ….

To provide breathable air and protect my lungs, I need …It consists of…


16. Match the questions and the answers and underline the types of BA with a red pencil and the components of BA with a green pencil:


1. Hello, Matt! You aren’t in a hurry, I hope. We haven’t heard about the equipment used to protect your respiratory system. I can see the mask. It’s really necessary in smoke. Could you tell us how it works. A.This term means that the breathing set doesn’t depend on a remote supply, through a long hose.
2. When do you use SCBA? B.It’s not easy to explain. But I’ll try to make it clear. Look! We use a self contained breathing apparatus, or SCBA.
3. Sorry, but I can’t understand the meaning of the term «self-contained». What does it mean? C.OK! I think I can take you to the fire scene for you to see the way it works.
4. What are the main components of SCBA? D.We use it in cases of immediate danger to life and health.
5. I’ve heard that there are two types of SCBA- open circuit and closed circuit. What’s the difference between them? E.It typically has three main components: a high-pressure tank, a pressure regulator, and a face mask, connected together and mounted to a carrying frame.
6.What types of breathing apparatus are used nowadays? F.As I can see, you’ve got good technical knowledge! The closed-circuit type filters, supplements, and recirculates exhaled gas. It is used when a longer-duration supply of breathing gas is needed, such as in mine rescue and in long tunnels. Before open-circuit SCBA's were developed, most industrial breathing sets were rebreathers.
7.We wish we could see firefighters using them in their work. It would be great! G.An open-circuit rescue or firefighter SCBA has a fullface mask, regulator, air cylinder, cylinder pressure gauge, and a harness with adjustable shoulder straps and waist belt which lets it be worn on the back.


17. You are Captain of a fire brigade. The dispatcher of your fire brigade receives the following emergency calls. You are to choose the most suitable PPE and gear in order to respond effectively:


1. an explosion at a chemical plant;

2. a fire in a metro tunnel;

3. a home fire;

4. rescue from a high-rise structure;

5. a traffic accident;

6. a forest fire.


18. Now Ben wants to speak about a specific type of incident. Watch the next part of the film and say which instruments are used by firefighters. Answer the following questions:

1. What is an arson?

2. Who is involved in it and for what reasons?

3. Why is the educational function of firefighters so important?

4. What should we do if we see anybody setting a fire?


19. You have received an answer to your letter of inquiry. Unfortunately all the paragraphs of the letter are jumbled up. Organize the letter properly:

1. I look forward to hearing from you.

2. If you want to get further information, please telephone or fax me: my extension number is 779.

3. Dear Mr.Smirnov

Thank you very much for your enquiry. We are pleased to inform you that we have a new line in high quality personal protection equipment that will meet your expectations.

4. Mr.Victor Smirnov

Fire Chief

149, Moskovsky prospect



5. 10 January, 2013

6. I enclose a detailed catalogue with prices, specifications and delivery terms. As you will see, our prices are very competitive. Besides, we can offer a wide range of various types of effective PPE which provide the fullest protection to the firefighter.

7. Yours sincerely,

Fred North

Fred North

8. The most suitable items for your requirements are the following: impact resistant helmets with inbuilt visors, safety goggles and torches; flame and heat resistant flash hoods; kevlar lined gloves and boots with steel toe caps and steel sole plate; waterproof tunics and overtrousers. These products combine economy, effectiveness and high quality. They are available from stock right now.


Write your own offer using the following word combinations:

Paragraph 1: we were pleased to learn your interest in…; we are most pleased that you want to purchase..; we are glad to say that we can forward you…; it is very kind of you to take so much interest in our work…; we are ready to send you the samples you need and offer you…; as to your inquiry of…we are pleased to inform you that…

Paragraph 2: we enclose our catalogue with the latest price-list…; our catalogue will convince you in diversity of our assortment…; this offer is valid till…; the price covers packaging and transportation expenses…; we deliver our goods on the following terms…; we can give a 5 per cent discount…

Paragraph 3: I call your attention especially on the item…; besides above mentioned goods our company produces/offers…; we would like to recommend you the following positions in our catalogue…; the item…will most meet your requirements…

Paragraph 4: we ask you to consider and discuss our proposal once more and inform us whether we could expect getting your order…; we would appreciate if we get the order from you as soon as possible..; if you are not happy with our proposal, please inform us about the reason…; we are looking forward to hearing from you soon/to cooperating with you.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 881 | Нарушение авторских прав

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