San Francisco Earthquake of 1906
As the people (sleep), the ground below them (move). At first, during the early hours of April 18, 1906, no one (know) that something in San Francisco (be) wrong. But then the rolling motions (come). It (seem), to one eyewitness, that the earth (breathe). The earth (appear)to breathe because far below its surface two tectonic plates (the North American and Pacific) (slip).
At 5:12 a.m., on April 18, 1906, sleeping residents (rock) by an 8.3 magnitude earthquake. The trembling (be) so intense that it (rupture) hundreds of miles along the San Andreas Fault and (note) in Gottingen, Germany. San Francisco, the bustling seaport and most-populous city on the West Coast, (be) in ruins.
Adding to miseries of the natural disaster, fires (erupt) throughout town. At the time, horse-drawn vehicles (provide) the main means of transportation. But with their horses afraid of the spreading inferno, fire-fighters (can) not be completely effective.
Overwhelmed, local police and rescuers (aid) by men from the U.S. Army and Navy. Working side-by-side, people (try) to save what they (can). The devastated city (burn) for three more days. Three thousand people (die). After the rubble (clear), the new San Francisco (spring) to life more quickly than anyone (can) have imagined. Many people (think) the new (be) far better than the old.
tremble v – дрожать
bustling a – шумный
overwhelm v – поражать, удивлять
rubble n – булыжник
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 763 | Нарушение авторских прав
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