Non-uniformed and non-operational staff
It’s not just firefighters who help make London a safer city. There is a range of non-uniformed and non-operational, full-time staff who work behind the scenes to support and provide front-line services, including for example, IT, Finance, Procurement and Community Safety officers.
approximately adv – приблизительно
staff n – штат, персонал
extinguish v – тушить
duty n – долг
assessment n – оценка
responsibility n – ответственность, обязанность
fire engine n – пожарная машина
suburban a – пригородный
procurement n – снабжение
officer n – служащий
5. Fill in the table:
| adjective
| verb
| | | operate
| education
| |
| responsibility
| |
| assess
| | protective
| support
| |
| monitor
| instruction
| | complete
| |
| graduate
| extinguishment
| 6. Match the words to make up word combinations:
1. Extinguish A. the results
2. carry out B. a fire
3. assess C.duties
4. deploy D.a service
5. educate E. property
6. protect F. the potential
7. build G. training
8. follow H. a career
9. demonstate I. people
10. provide J. resources
7. Read the short passages taken from interviews with London firefighters and answer the questions:
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 989 | Нарушение авторских прав
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