London fire brigade’s missions
London Fire Brigade aims to ensure the capital has the best … possible in an emergency, whatever the circumstances. This means answering emergency calls and getting the right … and staff to an incident as quickly as possible. We … 113 fire stations (including one river fire station) providing an emergency response 24 hours a day, all year round. Our staff are internationally recognised for the work they do at a wide range of …. This includes responding to fires but may include rescues from … buildings, car and rail … or other challenging scenarios. We work to help people stay … from fire and other emergencies in the home, at work and in London’s other buildings. Accidental fires in the home are the main … of fire deaths and we do all we can to … these fatalities. We work to educate people about what they can do to protect themselves from fire. We have improved our capacity to deal with the consequences of … attacks, … weather conditions and other large scale emergencies. Our firefighters are trained to quickly identify and deal with hazardous …, or carry out complex rescues involving people, fire, wreckage or debris.
5. Classify the information from the text:
Types of incidents
| Emergency response activities
| Community safety measures
| Additional duties
| 6. Match the words which go together:
1. collapsed
| A. operation
| 2. accidental
| B. materials
| 3. hazardous
| C. building
| 4. terrorist
| D. safety
| 5. weather
| E. fire
| 6. fire
| F. disaster
| 7. natural
| G. conditions
| 8. rescue
| H. attack
| 7. Fill in the table:
| Noun
| Adjective
| | operation
| | reduce
| | | | | challenging
| | prevention
| | respond
| | | | | destructive
| | management
| organize
| |
| 8. Make up possible word combinations:
Verbs: answer, respond to, plan, deal with, improve, protect, inspect, organize, reduce, prevent.
Nouns: a building, hazardous materials, the work, a home fire safety visit, the risk, the environment, a fire, an operation, an emergency, an emergency call.
9. Choose a suitable word:
1. Firefighters are trained to deal with (dangerous/hazardous/ hilarious) materials.
2. Our dispatchers answer emergency calls and get the right (resources/tools/equipment) to the fire scene.
3. Firefighters also inform people about fire (safety/security/stability) measures.
4. Accidental home fires are the main (result/source/cause) of fire deaths in the world.
5. Nowadays firefighters have a lot of additional duties. They include rescues from (collapsed/fallen/ injured) buildings.
6. The majority of (assassin/accident/arson) fires are set by children.
7. Citizens are recommended to install (fire/flame/smoke) alarms in their homes.
10. Read the text below and fill in the table. Discuss the results with your group-mates:
The facts I have known
| The facts which are new to me
Every day Americans experience the horror of fire but most people don't understand fire.
Fire is FAST!
There is little time! In less than 30 seconds a small flame can get completely out of control and turn into a major fire. It only takes minutes for thick black smoke to fill a house or for it to be engulfed in flames. Most deadly fires occur in the home when people are asleep. If you wake up to a fire, you won't have time to grab valuables because fire spreads too quickly and the smoke is too thick. There is only time to escape.
Fire is HOT!
Heat is more threatening than flames. A fire's heat alone can kill. Room temperatures in a fire can be 100 degrees at floor level and rise to 600 degrees at eye level. Inhaling this super-hot air will scorch your lungs. This heat can melt clothes to your skin. In five minutes, a room can get so hot that everything in it ignites at once: this is called flashover.
Fire is DARK!
Fire isn't bright, it's pitch black. Fire starts bright, but quickly produces black smoke and complete darkness. If you wake up to a fire you may be blinded, disoriented and unable to find your way around the home you've lived in for years.
Fire is DEADLY!
Smoke and toxic gases kill more people than flames do. Fire uses up the oxygen you need and produces smoke and poisonous gases that kill. Breathing even small amounts of smoke and toxic gases can make you drowsy, disoriented and short of breath. The odorless, colorless fumes can lull you into a deep sleep before the flames reach your door. You may not wake up in time to escape.
Only when we know the true nature of fire can we prepare our families and ourselves.
engulf v – поглащать
valuable a – ценный
scorch v – обжигать
melt v – плавить
flashover n – вспышка
pitch black – совершенно темный
poisonous a – ядовитый
drowsy a – сонный
11. True/False/No information:
1. Flames are more threatening than heat.
2. When a fire starts, you have only time to escape.
3. An explosion is an example of rapid oxidation.
4. Fire is dark from the start.
5. Carbon monoxide is a kind of odorless, colourless toxic gas.
6. Smoke and toxic gases are more dangerous than flames.
7. Fire uses up all gases which are contained in the air.
12. Speak about fire and its properties using the information from the text according to the chart below:

13. Read and open the brackets using the Active or Passive Voice:
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