Unit 5
3.- 112 Emergency Services.
- There is a car on fire on the roadway.
-Please, try to calm down. Are there any people inside?
-Yes, I can see three people.
- Where about on the street are you?
-There is a station.
-What is your name?
-My name is Jonson.
-I will send an ambulance and the fire service.
Dialogue 3: 1–5: 2–3: 3–4: 4–2.
5. -112 Emergency Service.
-I need the Emergency doctor.
-Clam down and speak slowly please.
-A person has fallen off the a roof
-Does the person have any visible injuries?
-His head is bleeding.
-Where do we have to come to?
-To Lessing street, we are at the factory.
-Right now all ambulances are on duty. Please wait for the emergency doctor to arrive.
-What is your name?
-My name is Ms. Burroughs.
-Please, render first aid. The doctor will arrive right away.
Dialogue 5:1–3: 2–1: 3–3: 4–5: 5–2: 6–4; 7–2.
6. -112 Emergency Service.
-My name is Ms. Burrougs.
-What exactly has happened?
-A car and a school bus have crashed.
-Speak slower, please. Is anybody injured or trapped?
-Yes, I can see five people.
-Which road are you in?
-On a long road in front of the bus station.
-The fire service is on its way.
Dialogue 6: 1–3; 2–3; 3–3; 4–3; 5–1; 6–2; 7–1.
7. -112 Emergency Service.
-My name is Burroughs, there has been an accident.
-What exactly has happened?
-A truck and a bus have crashed.
-Speak slower, please.Is anybody injured or trapped?
-No, but there are goods on the road, and a liquid is leaking.
-Can you identify what sort of liquid is leaking?
-I think, it is some sort of oil.
-Can you see if plates are fixed to the truck?
-Yes there are red plates with a flame.
-Which road are you on?
-On a long road heading to the radio tower.
-The fire service is on its way.
Dialogue 7: 1–5; 2–4; 3–3; 4–4; 5–2; 6–2; 7–5.
8. -112 Emergency Service.
-A ship has crashed into a boat.
-Are there any people in danger?
-Two people have almost drowned, one is still unconscious.
-Where is the accident exactly?
-It is at a big bridge near the harbour.
-Is there any danger of a leak or a fire?
-There is oil leaking from the ship.
-Please, give me your name and phone number.
-My name is Davis and you can reach me on 3478568.
-We will send help immediately.
Dialogue 8: 1–4; 2–3; 3–5; 4–2; 5–3; 6–2; 7–1.
9.-112 Emergency Service.
-I want to report an accident.
-What has happened?
-A car has driven into a ditch.
-Is anyone injured? Is anyone trapped?
-Another person has broken a finger.
-Where did the car crash happen?
-I am on the way to Cologne.
-Are there any landmarks near you?
-There is a big building next to a forest.
-What is your name?
-My name is Broughton
-We will send an ambulance.
Dialogue 9: 1–4; 2–2; 3–4; 4–1; 5–3; 6–4; 7–1.
10.- 112 Emergency Services.
-I want to report a shoplifting incident.
-Stay on the line. I’ll put you through.
-Police! What has happened?
-The thieves have shot the owner of the jewellery shop in the leg.
-Give me the address, please.
-It is 86 Lessing street.
-Who is calling?
-My name is Broughton.
-The police and the ambulance will be there right away.
Dialogue 10: 1–4; 2–1; 3–5; 4–3; 5–2; 6–5; 7–3.
11. -112 Emergency Services.
-We need the police and a doctor.
- Please try to calm down and hold the line I’ll put you through.
- Police! What has happened? Who is calling and where are you calling from?
- My name is Broughton and I am calling from a car park on my mobile.
- How far away, it is near the landmark?
- We are at lake near a small village.
- Is the assailant nearby? Is the victim injured?
- The assailant has fled and my girlfriend is in shock.
- Please, stay with the victim. We will arrive soon.
- Thanks, and please, hurry.
Dialogue 11: 1–4; 2–3; 3–2; 4–2; 5–3; 6–1; 7–1.
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