My Day off
On weekdays I usually go to school, but on my days off I rest. I hate getting up early in the morning and on my weekends I get up a bit later than usual, because I don’t hurry anywhere. As a rule at our leisure time we go in for sports, read books, go to the cinema, theatre, park, museum or exhibition. We try to spend most of time out-of-doors. In winter we like to go to the forest to ski or to the skating-rink to skate. After such a pleasant rest in the open air, you are happy to come home and have a rest sitting near the TV-set and watching an interesting TV programme. In summer and spring picnics are popular with schoolchildren and students. Children are fond of collecting wood and sitting round the fire. And again children like to return home after a picnic. Now they think that “There is no place like home”, as the saying goes.
As for me, my days off are normally like this. I get up at 9 o’clock, do my morning exercises, wash my face and hands and brush my teeth. After breakfast I relax a little: listen to the music and try to forget all my problems. Then I visit my friends and have a chat with them about our school life. Sometimes my friends and I go to the museum or art exhibition. As a rule, my activities on weekends depend on my plans, but in any case I manage to do a lot of things to have a real rest. I always try to do my best to have a good time. But unfortunately time flies very quickly on weekends, and the next Monday morning comes, and I am looking forward to my next days off.
3. Answer the following questions:
1. In what way, do you prefer to spend your holidays?
2. When do you have your days off?
3. When do you usually get up on weekends?
4. Where do you usually spend your weekends?
5. What kind of sports do you go in for?
6. What is the best way of spending holidays?
7. What kind of sport do you prefer to go in for in winter (summer)?
8. In what way did you spend your last days off?
4. Fill in the missing words:
1. On weekdays I _____________, but on my days off __________________.
2. I _________________ getting up early and on weekends I ______________ than usual.
3. As a rule at our _______________, we __________ sports, read books, go to the cinema, theatre, park, museum or exhibition.
4. We try to spend most of time __________________.
5. In winter we like to go to the forest to _______________, or to the skating rink to _______.
6. In summer and spring picnics ________________ schoolchildren and students.
7. Children are _____________________ collecting wood and sitting round the fire.
8. Now they think that “____________________” as the saying goes.
9. I visit my friends and _____________________ with them about our ___________.
10. _________________, my activities on weekends ____________ my plans, but in any case I ________________ to do a lot of things.
11. I always try ____________ to have a good time.
12. But ________________ _____________ on weekends, and the next Monday morning comes, and I ______________ to my next days off.
5. Find English equivalents of the following Ukrainian phrases:
Не любити рано вставати; трохи пізніше; як правило; на дозвіллі; займатися спортом; проводити час на дворі; у гостях добре, а вдома краще; як говорить вислів; як на мене; слухати музику; погомоніти; шкільне життя; художня виставка; як правило; залежати від планів; намагатися зробити все можливе; на жаль, час лине швидко; нетерпляче очікувати вихідних.
6. Read and translate the dialogue:
- Where did you spend your holiday last year?
- Let me see… Yes, I spent part of my holiday in the south. After I visited my parents who live in the Ukraine.
- Did you have a good time?
- Yes, I did. I returned to Kyiv and rested. Where were you last year. Last year I took a holiday in winter. My wife and I went to the mountains.
- What did you do there?
- There was a good skating-rink and a ski-station. We went skiing.
- How long did you stay there?
- For about two weeks. We had a very good time. I am looking forward to going to that place again.
6. Communicative situations:
1. Make up your own dialogue about your last days off (holidays).
2. Speak on the following topics:
1). My day off.
2). An evening at home.
3). A winter (summer) day.
Lesson 4
1. Words and word-combinations:
appetizer - закуска
beverages - напої
bill - рахунок
bitter - гіркий
bottle - пляшка
bread - хліб
breakfast - сніданок
cold - холодний
cold dish - холодна страва
course - страва
first course - перша страва
second course - друга страва
third course - третя страва
dinner - обід
fish dish - рибна страва
fork - виделка
fresh - свіжий
hot - гарячий
hot dish - гаряча страва
knife - ніж
lunch - другий сніданок
meat dish - м´ясна страва
menu - меню
mustard - гірчиця
pepper - перець
poultry - страва з птиці
salt - сіль
salty - солоний
sauce - соус
set - столовий набір
sour - кислий
spoon - ложка
table spoon - столова ложка
dessert spoon - десертна ложка
tea spoon - чайна ложка
sticky sweet - нудотно-солодкий
strong, sharp - гострий
sugar - цукор
supper - вечеря
sweet - солодкий
tasty - смачний
vegetarian dish - вегетаріанська страва
waiter/waitress - офіціант/офіціантка
wineglass - чарка/келих
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