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Education in Russia

  1. Dialogue. Sport in Russia.
  2. Education in the U.K.
  3. From the History of Fire Protection in Russia
  4. High education in Great Britain
  5. Higher Education in the USA
  6. Higher Education in the USA
  7. Higher Education in the USA
  8. Hromov Andrew (Russian)- ??? жду от Узбекистана
  9. IX. Read and translate into Russian the text “Fire Prevention”.

By and by we are becoming a democratic society and it brings changes in all the spheres of our life. This is quite true for the system of education. First of all there appeared the division of educational institutions into public, that is state supported, and private. But, sorry to say, the quality of education in many of them leaves much to be desired. There are two tendencies, which are competing to take priority. The first tendency is that we are coming back to gymnasiums, lyceums, which is a purely Russian tradition. The second tendency is the attempt to Americanize our education, and the fact that many schools and other secondary institutions are turning into colleges and students at the universities obtain Bachelor’s and Master’s degree, proves it. Many people criticize these new ideas. But the results are positive rather than negative. On the one hand we can make a choice from the great amount of variants, the level of education is higher, especially in universities and academies. On the other hand this choice is very often the question of money. The educational system in Russia is undergoing a crisis just like all the spheres of our life. But we hope that it’s good future that faces our education. But we shouldn’t live in a fool’s paradise, looking forward to this good future and doing nothing. We must do our best to struggle our way through life and to find the best means of educating our future.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 656 | Нарушение авторских прав

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