Topic: Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sport
1. Match English and Russian words and word combinations.
1)graduates 2) secondary schools 3) technical schools 4) to be founded 5) an educational establishment 6) to train qualified specialists 7) an admission 8) a staff 9) to rename 10) to be headed by 11) a rector 12) to receive the status of the university 13) to give a qualification 14) a Bachelor 15) accommodations 16) buildings for study 17) libraries 18) sport facilities 19) a track-and-field indoor stadium 20) swimming pools 21) stadiums 22) sport halls 23) skating rinks 24) football fields 25) hockey grounds 26) tennis courts 27) full-time tuition, 28) extramural tuition 29) faculties 30) a dean 31) chairs (departments) 32) to fulfill post-graduate training 33) Magistrate 34) Post-graduate course 35) Doctorate 36) Institute of Improvement of Professional Skill 37) a council 38) to defend Candidate and Doctor Theses 39) to defend the honour of the university on sport arenas 40) to participate 41) Olympic champions 42) World champions
1) спортивные залы 2) набор 3) защищать кандидатские и докторские диссертации 4) быть возглавляемым кем-либо 5) футбольные поля, 6) магистратура 7) Олимпийские чемпионы 8) библиотеки 9) декан 10) докторантура 11) совет 12) штат 13) спортивные сооружения 14) выпускники 15) средние школы 16) переименовывать 17) чемпионы мира 18) присваивать квалификацию 19) подготавливать квалифицированных специалистов 20)факультеты 21) быть основанным 22) техникумы 23) образовательное учреждение 24) ректор 25) получить статус университета 26) бакалавр, 27) помещения, 28) учебные корпуса, 29) легкоатлетический манеж 30) бассейны, 31) стадионы, 32) катки, 33) хоккейные коробки 4) теннисные корты 35) заочное обучение 36) очное обучение 37) кафедры 38) осуществлять послевузовскую подготовку 39) аспирантура 40) Институт Повышения Квалификации 41) участвовать 42) защищать честь университета на спортивных аренах
2. Repeat the words after your teacher then read them yourself and guess their meanings.
a) subjects: theory and history of physical culture, life safety providing, pedagogy, psychology, economic theory, philosophy and history, Russian and foreign languages (English, German, French), biology, chemistry, biochemistry, biorhythmology, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, mathematics, physics, informatics, sport metrology, sport management, valeology, age pedagogy, sport journalism, adaptive physical culture, sport rehabilitation, sport hygiene, sport medicine, therapeutic massage.
b) sports: swimming, track-and-field athletics, hockey, football, wrestling, weight-lifting, cycling, skating, boxing, fencing, gymnastics, acrobatics, calisthenics, sport gymnastics, sport dances, basketball, volleyball, handball, badminton, skiing, biathlon, lawn tennis, tourism, shaping, aerobics, martial arts.
3. Read and translate the text.
Siberian State University of Physical Culture and sport is a large educational, scientific and sport centre. One may meet its graduates in the Urals, in the Far East, in towns and villages of European part of Russia. They work at secondary schools and technical schools, in sport clubs, sport teams, sport organizations.
The first Institute of Physical Culture was founded in Siberian city Tomsk in 1920. But due to economic and political hardships it existed only 3 years. But such vast territory of the country as Siberia needed educational establishment to train qualified specialists in physical culture and sport. In 30-40-es technical secondary schools of physical culture were opened in Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Omsk. In 1950 the Institute of Physical Culture was founded in Omsk. Its first admission was 100 young men and women. The staff numbered 10-15 teachers. It had the only building in Lenin Street.
In 1994 the institute was renamed into Siberian State Academy of Physical Culture. It is headed by a rector. In 2002 Siberian State Academy of Physical Culture received the status of the university.
The university trains specialists in physical culture and sports for the vast territory of Siberia and the Far East giving a qualification of a coach and a school teacher in physical culture and the title of a Bachelor or a specialist in physical culture and sport.
Students have good accommodations for study, trainings, rehabilitation and rest. There are 5 buildings for study, computer halls, libraries. Students have all necessary sport facilities: track-and-field indoor stadium, swimming pools, stadiums, sport halls for wrestling, boxing, gymnastics, badminton, volleyball, basketball, handball, skating rinks, football fields, hockey grounds, tennis courts, and others.
Students can choose a full-time or an extramural form of tuition. Students are trained in 5 faculties: 1) faculty of cyclic, complex-coordinating sports and martial arts; 2) faculty of wrestling, playing and power sports; 3) faculty of tourism, recreation and rehabilitation; 4) humanitarian faculty; 5) extramural tuition faculty. Each faculty is headed by a dean.
There are more than 20 theoretical and sport chairs (departments) at the university. The teachers of the university train specialists in theoretical subjects including: theory and history of physical culture, life safety providing, pedagogy, psychology, economic theory, philosophy and history, Russian and foreign languages (English, German, French), biology, chemistry, biochemistry, biorhythmology, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, mathematics, physics, informatics, sport metrology, sport management, valeology, age pedagogy, sport journalism, adaptive physical culture, sport rehabilitation, sport hygiene, sport medicine, therapeutic massage.
Coaches of high qualification train students in sports including: swimming, track-and-field athletics, hockey, football, wrestling, weight-lifting, cycling, skating, boxing, fencing, gymnastics, acrobatics, calisthenics, sport gymnastics, sport dances, basketball, volleyball, handball, badminton, skiing, biathlon, lawn tennis, tourism, shaping, aerobics, martial arts.
The university fulfils post-graduate training in magistrate, post-graduate course, doctorate, Institute of Improvement of Professional Skills for teachers and coaches. The university has a special council to defend candidate and doctor theses in such subjects as: theory and methods of physical education, sport training and health-improving physical culture, sport psychology, physiology of humans and animals, social philosophy.
Students and graduates defend the honour of the university on sport arenas. Many students participated in Olympic Games and became Olympic champions and World champions. Here are some of them: 1) Olympic champions: Konstantin Vyrupayev, Alexander Karelin, Shamil Khisamutdinov, Mikhail Mamiashvili are champions in Greco-Roman wrestling, Gennady Komnatov and Sergei Shelpakov – in cycling, Vladimir Barnashov – in biathlon, Yury Mukhin and Denis Pimankov – in swimming, Grigory Kirienko – in fencing. 2) World champions – Vladimir Sokolov, Galima Shugurova, Edward Rapp and many others.
4. Answer the questions:
1) When and where was the first institute of Physical Culture founded? 2) When was the Institute of Physical Culture founded in Omsk? 3) What was the admission? 4) What was the staff? 5) When was the institute renamed into Siberian State Academy of Physical Culture? 6) Who heads the university? 7) When did Siberian State Academy of Physical Culture receive the status of university? 8) What accommodations do students have? 9) What sport facilities do students have? 10) What two forms of tuition are there at the university? 11) Who heads faculties? 12) What subjects do students study at the university? 13) What opportunities are there for students who want to continue their study at the university?
5. Agree or disagree with the statements. If the statement is correct, you should say “It’s true” or “I agree”. If the statement is not correct you should say “It’s false” or “I disagree” and correct it.
1) Siberian State University of Physical Culture and sport is a large educational, scientific and sport centre.
2) The first Institute of Physical Culture was founded in Kemerovo.
3) In 1970 the Institute of Physical Culture was founded in Omsk.
4) In 2008 Siberian State Academy of Physical Culture received the status of University.
5) The university fulfils post-graduate training in magistrate, post-graduate course, doctorate, Institute of Improvement of Professional Skills for teachers and coaches.
6) The University has special council to defend candidate and doctor theses.
7) Students and graduates defend the honour of the university on sport arenas.
8) Students receive various qualifications after graduating from the university.
Make up your own three statements; use the information from the text. One of your statements should be false. Read them to the students. Their task is to say which of your statements is false and correct it.
7. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1) Сибирский Государственный Университет Физической Культуры и Спорта – большой образовательный, научный и спортивный центр.
2) Его выпускников можно встретить на Урале, на Дальнем Востоке, в городах и селах Европейской части России.
3) Они работают в средних школах и техникумах, в спортивных клубах, в спортивных командах и в спортивных организациях.
4) Первый Институт Физической Культуры был основан в сибирском городе Томске в 1920.
5) Но из-за экономических и политических трудностей просуществовал только 3 года.
6) Но такая огромная территория страны как Сибирь нуждалась в образовательном учреждении, которое бы осуществляло подготовку квалифицированных специалистов в области физической культуры и спорта.
7) В 30-40е годы технические средние школы физической культуры были открыты в Красноярске, Новосибирске, Иркутске, Омске.
8) В 1950 году Институт Физической Культуры был основан в Омске.
9) Первый набор студентов составил 100 молодых людей и девушек.
10) Штат насчитывал 10-15 преподавателей.
11) Университет имел одно единственное здание, расположенное на улице Ленина.
12) В 1994 году университет был переименован в Сибирскую Государственную Академию Физической Культуры и спорта.
13) Университет возглавляет ректор.
14) В 2002 Сибирская Государственная Академия Физической Культуры и Спорта получила статус университета.
15) Университет осуществляет подготовку специалистов в области физической культуры и спорта для огромной территории Сибири и Дальнего Востока, присваивая квалификацию тренера или школьного учителя физической культуры и степень бакалавра или специалиста в области физической культуры и спорта.
16) Студенты имеют хорошие помещения для учебы, тренировок, восстановления и отдыха.
17) Имеются 5 учебных корпусов, компьютерные залы, библиотеки.
18) Студенты имеют все необходимые спортивные сооружения.
19) Студенты могут выбрать очную или заочную форму обучения.
20) Осуществляется подготовка студентов на пяти факультетах (назовите факультеты).
21) Каждый факультет возглавляет декан.
22) Имеется более 20 теоретических и спортивных кафедр в университете.
23) Университет осуществляет послевузовскую подготовку в магистратуре, аспирантуре, докторантуре и Институте Повышения Квалификации для преподавателей и тренеров.
24) В университете есть совет для защиты кандидатских и докторских диссертаций.
25) Студенты и выпускники защищают честь университета на спортивных аренах.
8. Supplementary tasks.
1. Retell the text from your point of view as a student. What other advantages and disadvantages of the university can you add?
2. Say what achievements the university has as the centre of sports life in our city. Outline the perspectives.
3. Make the advertisement of the university. Say what attracts you and invite others to enter the university.
4. Imagine that you are a reporter. Make a piece of reporting about Siberian State University of Physical Culture and sport. Say as much as you can about the university.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 718 | Нарушение авторских прав
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