Help him to put the parts in a right order
Position, company
| Experience
| Job objective
| Address
| Name
| Phone/fax number
| Additional courses, specific
| Education
| company training programs,
language courses
| Personal data
Look at the plan and draft-résumé Mr. Green has written recently. Use it as an example to write your résumé.
1. Name, address, phone/fax number
2. Particular position, company (job objective)
3. Experience (achievements, skills)
4. Education + additional courses, specific company training programs, language courses
5. Personal data
Mr. Paul Green
112 Kingston Road October, 25, 2008
3477 London,
Great Britain
phone 22758-53
fax 22758-52
Job objective: Finance and Administration Manager
Company: Jaar International Inc.
recent position: 2008-2000 Finance and Administration Manager, Supervised Development of Management Information systems, Coordinated development of Logistics, Proved to have management skills. International Trade Company “MARS”, Great Britain.
Previous jobs: 2000-1995 Finance Manager, IBM computers Inc. Analyzed budgeting and forecasts programs. Evaluated as having problem-solving skills. French Branch, IBM computers Inc., France.
1995-1991 Bookkeeper. Glaxo International Co. Coordinated costing, budgeting programs, branch department. Ukrainian office, Ukraine.
Education: 1991 Degree with Honors in Finance and Economy, Oxford University, Finance and Administration.
1991-1992 Special training program (Glaxo International Co.)
1990-1992 special language courses (French: Finance and Economy in France – Ukrainian: Ukrainian Tax Policy)
1988-1990 Computer systems for Finance and Economy
Personal Data: age 38, fluent in French, Ukrainian.
Travel history: France, Ukraine.
Profound computer skills: Win Word, Excel, France programs.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 680 | Нарушение авторских прав
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