In the summer of 2013, Ricciotti will explore the influences of traditional Russian (folk) music on Western art music. Moreover, the orchestra is curious about the extent to which the works of Russian composers were inspired by the folk music of their homeland. In order to find an answer to this question, works by composers such as Mikhael Glinka, Alexander Borodin, Cesar Cui, Nicolaj Rimsky-Korsakov and Alexander Denisov will be part of the repertoire.
Ricciotti will also focus on the immense collection of beautiful ballet music that was composed in Russia. Naturally, it will play various Tchaikovsky pieces, as well as pieces by Balakirev and Stravinsky. The latter resided several times in the Netherlands and himself conducted his Suites for Orchestra at the Concertgebouw in 1926. Ricciotti will perform the 2nd Suite on this tour. Special attention will also be paid to the music from the flms of Serge Eisenstein, which were written by illustrious names such as Prokofiev and Shostakovich.
An equally important addition to the repertoire is a spectacular, new instrumentation from the Painting Installation by Mussorgsky, which was written especially for Ricciotti.
With regard to folk music, Ricciotti expects to play songs in which the specific Russian melancholy and rhythms play an important role, such as the traditional music of the Tuva, Sakha and Bashkir regions. We will give primary attention to Tatarstan, the region along the flowing Volga, with its specific instruments, such as the Kubyz (violin) and the Kurai (flute). In the Netherlands, Ricciotti will collaborate with Otrada, a traditional folklore group who makes use of instruments like the bajan and balalaika.
Ricciotti will also include popular Russian pop music in the repertoire. Songs by Dima Bilan, Ariaphonics and Igrushka will most likely be included on the list. From the 1960s to the 1980s, Russian Rock enjoyed great popularity in the Netherlands, and Ricciotti will, of course, like to touch upon this. The orchestra will include Walking over water ("Прогулки по Воде") by Nautilus Pompilius in its repertoire.
Ricciotti is pleased to have two or three premiers written especially for this tour, from the pens of two Russian composers. We have already contacted Gabriel Prokofiev (grandson of Sergei), who lives in London. In the Netherlands, a programme will be created with Olga de Kort-Koulikova (musician/journalist) together with Russian musicians living in the Netherlands, including wunderkind/pianist/composer Rangel Silaev.
The soloist for Ricciotti Back in the USSR! has already been selected: the Russian-Dutch soprano Elnara Shafigullina will delight us with her company this summer. She has extensive experience with classical and folk music, is intimately familiar with both countries, is not afraid of occasional challenges, and has an outstanding stage presence. We are especially pleased that Elnara has agreed to join us on the tour.
Schedule Ricciotti Back in the USSR!
· September 2012 - March 2013: making contacts, exploring financing options, commissioning compositions and arrangements;
· April - May 2013: organisation of concerts and site visits by contact person;
· June 2013: definitive pre-visit and agreement with Ricciotti management on all concert venues;
· August 2013: Ricciotti Back in the USSR!
The programme for the tour is as follows:
- Monday, 5 August up to and including Saturday afternoon, 10 August: rehearsal period
- Saturday evening 10 August, up to and including Sunday, 18 August: concerts in the Netherlands
- Monday, 19 August up to and including Saturday, 24 August: concerts in Russia
- Sunday 25 August: return to the Netherlands
Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 426 | Нарушение авторских прав