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Physical Ports

  1. B. Describe the appearance and the character of your favourite sportsman.
  2. Excerpt from Japanese Reports Concerning the Verification of the new Campione, Beginning of the 21st Century
  3. Text B. Culture, Leisure, Entertainment, Sports

Each RRU has a modular structure. Its external ports are located at the bottom of the module and in the cabling cavity.

Figure 1-2 and Table 1-1 show the physical ports on the RRU3939.

Figure 1-2 Ports on the RRU3939 panels



Table 1-1 Physical ports on the RRU3939

Port Type Connector Quantity Description
RF port DIN   Connects to the antenna system.
CPRI port DLC   Connects to the baseband unit (BBU3900).
Power supply socket Tool-less female connector (pressfit type)   Receives –48 V DC power.
RET port DB9   Connects to a remote control unit (RCU).
Alarm port DB15   Transmits alarm signals from an external device.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 456 | Нарушение авторских прав

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