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Typical Output Power

  1. Power Consumption
  2. Power factor
  3. Power Point форматында презентация жасау
  4. Тема 1. Використання програми MS Power Point для створення презентацій у юридичній та комерційній діяльності
  5. Тема 1: Використання програми MS Power Point для створення презентацій у юридичній та комерційній діяльності
  6. Тема №1: Використання програми MS Power Point для створення презентацій у юридичній та комерційній діяльності

l RRU3939 modules operating in GSM mode and in the 1800 MHz frequency band comply with ETSI EN 301 502 V9.2.1. RRU3939 modules operating in LTE or Multi-Standard Radio (MSR) mode and in the 1800 MHz frequency band comply with ETSI EN 301 908 V5.2.1 and 3GPP TS 37.104.

l For the RRU3939 working in GSM mode: when the S1 or S2 configuration is applied, each carrier on the RRU3939 supports a maximum of 60 W output power, and the corresponding license must be obtained. After design optimization, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes support the same output power for each carrier on the RRU3939 when any of the S1 through S6 configurations is used. When the S7 or S8 configuration is used, the license controlling the GBFD-118104 Enhanced EDGE Coverage feature must be obtained so that the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes support the same output power for each carrier on the RRU3939.

l The output power is 1 dB less than the standard power when the RRU3939 is located at a height of 3500 m to 4500 m (11482.9 ft to 14763.8 ft); and is 2 dB less than the standard power when the RRU3939 is located at a height of 4500 m to 6000 m (14763.8ft to 19685.0 ft).

l Factors such as the site-to-site distance, frequency reuse factor, power control algorithm, and traffic model affect the gain achieved by dynamic power allocation. Therefore, in most cases, the network planning can be based on the actual power specifications achieved by dynamic power allocation.

l In power sharing mode, the power control and DTX functions must be enabled. In GBSS8.1, the dynamic power sharing feature is mutually exclusive with the GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell, GBFD-114501 Co-BCCH Cell, GBFD-118001 BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing, and GBFD-117501 Enhanced Measurement Report (EMR) features. In GBSS9.0 and later versions, the dynamic power sharing feature can be used together with these features. However, in GBSS8.1, GBSS9.0, and later versions, the dynamic power sharing feature currently cannot be used together with the GBFD-117002 IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation), GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO, GBFD-118701 RAN Sharing, and GBFD-114001 Extended Cell features.

l Power sharing assumes a random distribution of UEs in the cell.

Table 2-5 and Table 2-6 list the typical output power of the RRU3939.

Table 2-5 Typical output power of the RRU3939 (1800 MHz, single-mode)

Number of GSM Carriers Number of LTE Carriers Output Power per GSM Carrier (W) Output Power per GSM Carrier With Dynamic Power Sharing (W) Output Power per LTE Carrier (W)
  1 (MIMO)     5/10/15/20 MHz: 2x60 1.4/3 MHz: 2x40
  2 (MIMO)     2x30
  2 (MIMO)     Carrier 1: 2x20 Carrier 2: 2x40


* indicates that the configuration is supported in SRAN7.0 and later versions.

Table 2-6 Typical output power of the RRU3939 (1800 MHz, GL MSR)

Number of GSM Carriers Number of LTE Carriers Output Power per GSM Carrier (W) Output Power per LTE Carrier (W)
  1 (MIMO)   2x20
  1 (MIMO)   2x30
  1 (MIMO)   2x40
  1 (MIMO)   2x20
  1 (MIMO)   2x30
  1 (MIMO)   2x40
  1 (MIMO)   2x20
3* 1 (MIMO) * 15* 2x30*
  1 (MIMO)   2x20
4* 1 (MIMO)* 15* 2x30*
  1 (MIMO)   2x20
5* 1 (MIMO) * 7.5* 2x30*
  1 (MIMO)   2x20
6* 1 (MIMO) * 7.5* 2x30*


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