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MultiSync' monitors

The MultiSync® M500 and M700 monitors:Outstanding picture quality thanks to new cromaclearTM Slot Mask. And lots more...

You only need to take one look at these monitors to see what makes them stand out from the rest - a razor-sharp picture extending into every corner of the screen. An amazingly high-contrast, life-like reproduction of images, graphics and videos. Pure, brilliant colours with clearly defined intermediate tones. Not forgetting the crystal clear picture with consistent brightness over the entire information area, without annoying striping or shadows.

Both monitors feature outstanding ergonomic design and functionality. For example, Plug&Play, the 2nd generation On Screen Manager and Opti Clear Coating are just some of the features that ensure user-friendly and productive working. Multimedia users will be thrilled by the Video Booster, Multilevel Surround Sound and built-in microphone. All in all, MultiSync® M500 and M700 are the ideal solution to meet the needs of current and future applications. NEC. Technology for People.

  1. Read this advertisement. Try to understand the key-ideas.
  2. Reread the text and ask a friend indirect questions on the text. Use the suggested word combinations:


Can you tell me …

Do you know …

Do you think …

Tell me …

Will you tell me …

Would you explain me …

Did you manage to understand …

I wonder …

  1. Prepare an advertisement of HP Laser Jet 5, 5M and 5N Printers. Use words of the texts A, B, C, D, E.

Принтеры HP LaserJet 5, 5М и 5N сочетают в себе улучшенные характеристики и целый ряд функций и дополнительных возможностей, что в особенности подходит для небольших рабочих групп.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 453 | Нарушение авторских прав

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