АкушерствоАнатомияАнестезиологияВакцинопрофилактикаВалеологияВетеринарияГигиенаЗаболеванияИммунологияКардиологияНеврологияНефрологияОнкологияОториноларингологияОфтальмологияПаразитологияПедиатрияПервая помощьПсихиатрияПульмонологияРеанимацияРевматологияСтоматологияТерапияТоксикологияТравматологияУрологияФармакологияФармацевтикаФизиотерапияФтизиатрияХирургияЭндокринологияЭпидемиология
abbreviation 102, 301, 313
advertisements 296, 297, 301
affixes 73, 93, 97, 98
allegory (allegoric) 276
alliteration 125—127, 209
allusion 187—189, 290, 307
amplification 233
anadiplpsis 212
anaphora 56, 212
anti- 98
anticlimax 85, 221
antithesis 209, 222—225.
antonomasia 164—166
antonyms 222
aphorism 294
aposiopesis See break-in-the-narrative
archaic words 83—87
argumentative sentence patterns 309
articles 287, 297
aspect 72
assimilation 94
asyndeton 226
balance 208
ballad 159, 259
barbarisms 72, 87—92
bathos 136-138
belles-lettres style 15, 250
blends 100
borrowings 93
breaking-up of set expressions 304, 307
break-in-the-narrative 233—235
brief news items 297—301
business letters 314—315
caesura 211
cant 104-105, 108—109
catch-phrases 182
catch-words 122
centrifugal 162
centripetal 163
chain-repetition 213
chiasmus 206, 209, 211
lexical chiasmus 210
circumlocution 169
cliché 177—180, 298
climax 210, 219, 221
cockney 116
coinages 72, 93, 119—122
layer 72
words 119—122
colloquialism 108—109
commercial correspondence 315
common colloquial words 73, 113
common literary words 73, 108
communiqué 34
concept 59, 60, 63, 104
connotation 68
contraction 102
contrast 223
conversion 96
coordination 225
decomposition 189—190
denotation 68
detached constructions 205
de-terminization 308
dialectal words 72, 116—118
dialogue 271, 281—285
dichotomy 24
diplomatic document 13
direct speech 211, 236
-dom 98
drama 117, 250, 281, 287
dramatic poetry 282
editorial 305—307
-ее 98
ellipsis 231-233
elliptical sentences 231
embellishment 21
emotional 161
colouring 267
constructions 153
emotive prose 115, 117, 250, 270
emphatic constructions 205
enjambment 256, 282
stanza enjambment 257
entropy 163
enumeration 133, 216
heterogeneous enumeration 217
epigram 210, 294
epiphora 212
epithet 154, 157
associated 158
compound 159
fixed 159
language 159
phrase 159
reversed 160
simple 159
speech 159
string of 161
transferred 161
unassociated 158
-ese 98
essay 13, 287, 293—295
euphemism 173—176
political 175
euphuism 272
euphuistic style 272
exact sciences 34, 310
exclamatory words 153, 154—157
expressive means (EM) 9, 10, 17, 25—35, 211, 213
five-w-and-h 300
folk songs 159
foreign words 72, 87—92
formulative sentence patterns 309
framing 212
gap-sentence link 227—229
graphical means 226—237
heroic couplet 185, 258
historical words 84
humanitarian sciences 34, 310
hyperbole 176—177
hypermetric line 256
hypometric line 256
image 142 — 144, 265
abstract 264
concrete 264
imagery 64, 264
implication 234
indirect speech 236—237
individual manner 9, 13
individual style 13, 14—16
intensifier 27, 101
interjection 67, 119, 154—157, 209
derivative 155
primary 155
intonation 154, 159, 235—237, 239
invariant 182—183
inversion 203, 210
irony 139, 146—148
-ize 97
jargon 72, 104—105, 108—110
jargonism 109—113
juncture 257
language-in-action 24
jlanguage-as-a-system 24
lead 300
learned words 72
legal documents" 34
linking 212, 225
literary coinages 72, 92—104, 120
literary genre 15, 23
literary language 41—57
literary layer 72, 121
litotes 246—248
local colour 88
macro-unit 260
-manship 16
meaning 25, 57—69
contextual 58, 66, 122, 138, 144
derivative 142, 148
emotive 64, 66, 153
lexical 25, 58, 59
logical 59, 64, 153, 164
nominal 64, 68—69, 164
primary 64, 148
referential.25, 59, 64
secondary 65
transferred 139
measure 253
metaphor 139—144
contributory 142, 143
genuine 141—143
principal 142
sustained 142—143
trite 141—143
memoir 294
metonymy 139—146
metre 130, 131, 252, 282
monometer 254
dimeter 254
trimeter 254
tetrameter 254
pentameter 254
hexameter 254
octameter 254
monologue 285
multiplicity of style 280
neologism 299
terminological 92
stylistic 93
neutral words 71, 72, 308
articles 143, 295, 297
headlines 298, 302—304
language 295—298
style 295—298
nomenclature 78—79, 312
nonce-words 72, 120—122
non-literary English 116, 117
non-neutral 15—16
norm 18—19, 35—48, 275, 278, 281, 286
neutral layer 70—71
obsolescent 83, 162
obsolete 83
octave 259
official documents, style of 312—318
onomatopoeia 124—126
direct 124
indirect 125
oratorical style 287
oratory 288—292
ottava rima 259
oxymoron 162—164
paradox 294
paragraph 198, 212
parallel constructions 133, 208—211
complete 208
partial 208
parenthesis 207
period 218
periodical sentence 218
periphrasis 169—173
pleonasm 215
poetic words 72, 79—82
poetical style 124
poetry 15, 252
polysemy 72, 148
polysyndeton 226—227
postulatory sentence patterns. 309
predictability 86, 182
professionalisms 109, 113—115, 118
professional words 72
proverb 127, 181—183
publicistic style 287—288
pun 148, 151
punctuation 207
purism 12, 47
purport 195, 197
pyrrhic 255
quatrain 259
question-in-the-narrative 235—236
quotation 13, 309
redundancy of information 284
reduplication 212
reference 309
referent 175
repetition 209—215
represented speech 236—243
unuttered (inner) 236
uttered 238
review 294
rhetoric 191
rhetorical question 209, 244—246
rhyme 128—129
internal 129
rhythm 17, 129—135, 209, 215
rhythmical inversion 132
root-repetition 215
run-on line 256, 282
prose style 307—312
language 307
semantic structure 64, 113, 119
word-building 96
semi-prefix 48
sestette 259
set phrases (expressions) 1.59, 177
-ship 98
signals of attention 284
signification 68
simile 143, 167—169
slang 104—109, 116, 122
sonnet 259
spoken language 35—41
spondee 255
stable word-combination 158
standard English vocabulary 72, 115, 118
stanza 209, 258—260
Spencerian stanza 258
style of language 32—35, 249
stylistic device (SD) 25—35
subordination 210, 225
suprasegmental 137
supralinear 62, 137, 213
supra-phrasal unit 194—198
suspense 218
synonym repetition 215
synonyms 72—73
dictionary 169
euphemistic 173
figurative 172
logical 172
periphrastic 169, 172
traditional 169
syntagm 256
tautology 215
technique of expression 22
tell-tale names 165
tercet 259
terms 76—79, 92, 113, 114
theory of information 9
-thon 99
token names 165
topic sentence 200
transferred meaning 139
treatise 130, 294
utterance 195
variant 12
verse 131, 133, 135
accented 261
blank 282
classical 253
free 253, 261
syllabo-tonic 253
vulgarism 118, 119, 122
vulgar words 72, 118, 119, 122
written language 9, 35—41
zeugma 148—151
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