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Mitral Insufficiency

Mitral insufficiency results from inadequate closure of the mitral valves. The various causes include rheu­matic heart disease (most common), ischemic heart disease, mitral valve prolapse, and congenital ano­malies of mitral valve.

Mitral insufficiency - regurgitation (return current) bloods from a left ventricle into the left atrium - increased left atrial pres­sure of a blood – hypertrophy LA (later dilatation) and increased pressure in pulmonary veins and in a small circle of blood circulation and a right ventricle chamber; the volume of the left ventricle chamber is enlarged.

Direct feature of a mitral insufficiency - a regurgitation of a blood from left ventricle to the left atrium (a ventriculography, US, CT, МRA).

Radiological features of the mitral insufficiency

Heart: - a mitral configuration (a prominent pulmonary trunk, the left atrium, a left ventricle, a smoothness of a waist of heart is defined, on the right - a high locating of the right cardiovascular angle).

- expansion of the left atrium (a deviation in the right party of the contrasted esophagus and increased of an bifurcation angle)

- contrasted esophagus is displaced on an arch of the big radius 7-12 sm

Lungs: fortition and deformation of a pulmonary vassels, expansion the hilar lungs.

Fig 3. Mitral insufficiency on roentgenograms and color doplerosonography


Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 365 | Нарушение авторских прав

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