Cytology and general embryology
1. While examining the amniotic fluid collected with the help of amniocentesis (puncture of amniotic membrane) cells with sex chromatin containing nuclei (Barr's bodies) were detected. What does this fact indicate?
*A. Development of a female fetus.
B. Development of a male fetus.
C. Genetic disorders in embryonic development.
D. Trisomy.
E. Polyploidy.
2. Blue asphyxia of a newborn child has been diagnosed. What vessel carrying oxygenated maternal blood to the fetus has been pinched during delivery?
A. Chorionic artery.
B. Umbilical artery.
C. Chorionic vein.
*D. Umbilical vein.
E. Uterine artery.
3. Two sacs contacting with each other (amniotic and yolk) can be seen in a 10-day embryo specimen. What is the structure in the place of their contact called?
A. Amniotic crus.
B. Bottom of the amniotic sac.
C. Roof of the yolk sac.
*D. Embryonic plate.
E. Extraembryonic mesoderm.
4. In a histological specimen is observed an extraembryonic organ that represents a bladder connected with intestinal tube. Its wall is covered with epithelium on the inside, on the outside it is formed of embryonic connective tissue. At early stages of embryogenesis it functions as a hematopoietic organ. What organ is this?
A. Amnion.
B. Allantois.
*C. Yolk sac.
D. Umbilical cord.
E. Uterine artery.
5. At early stages of human embryogenesis there arises a digitiform outgrowth of the ventral wall of the primitive gut rooting itself in the amniotic crus. What is the name of this extraembryonic organ?
A. Yolk sac.
*B. Allantois.
C. Amnion.
D. Placenta.
E. Umbilical cord.
6. In the histological specimen of a human fetus there can be seen one of extraembryonic organs - a bladder linked with intestinal tube. In its wall there are primary germ cells and primary erythrocytes (megaloblasts). Define what this organ is.
*A. Yolk sac.
B. Allantois.
C. Placenta.
D. Umbilical cord.
E. Amnion.
7. In a cell the synthesis of histone proteins was artificially blocked. What cell structure will be damaged?
A. Nucleolus.
*B. Nuclear chromatin.
C. Golgi apparatus.
D.Cell membrane.
E. Nuclear envelope.
8. A chemical agent influenced cell plasmolemma. Consequently, the cell changed its form. Which layer of plas molemma takes part in this process?
A. Glycocalyx.
*B. Cortical.
C. Bilipidic.
E. Hydrophobic.
9. In the course of the experiment on a frog embryo the external embryonic layer - ectoderm - has been destroyed. Which of the following mor
phological structures has not developed henceforth?
*A. Epidermis.
B. Somites.
C. Nephrotome.
D. Splanchnotome.
E. Myotome.
10. In a histological specimen there is a hen embryo in the stage of mesoderm differentiation to somites, nephrotomes, and splanchnotome. Of which material will the axial skeleton develop?
A. Myotome.
B. Dermatome.
C. Nephrotome.
D. Splanchnotome.
*E. Sclerotome.
11. Zygote cell-division finishes after blastula formation. What type of blastula is specific of a human being?
A. Discoblastula.
B. Celoblastula.
*C. Blastocyst.
E. Morula.
12. In a histological specimen is observed a human somatic cell in the metaphase of mitotic cell division. How many chromosomes form the metaphase plate, taking into account that every chromosome contains two sisterly chromatids?
A. 48.
B. 92.
C. 23.
E. 24.
13. During the third week of embryogenesis the central part of epiblast cells (ectoderm) sags and neurulation process begins. In which direction will the remaining ectodermal cells differentiate?
A. Gut.
*B. Skin.
C. Somites.
D. Chord.
E. Yolk sac.
14. A patient with poisoning has been hospitalized. It is detected that hepatic detoxification mechanisms are disordered. Which hepatocytes organelles has primarily caused the process?
A. Mitochondria.
*B. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
C. Rough endoplasmic reticulum.
D. Golgi apparatus.
E. Ribosomes.
15. Cytochemical investigation has shown high concentration of hydrolytic ferments in the cytoplasm of cells. The activity of which organelles does this fact indicate?
A. Endoplasmic reticulum.
B. Mitochondria.
C. Polysomes.
E. Centrosome.
16. There is a large quantity of carbohydrates in the dietary intake of a human. What structures will be seen in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes?
A. Fat drops.
*B. Glycogen granules.
C. One large fat drop.
D. Increase of free ribosomes quantity.
E. Lipofuscin inclusions.
17. In the course of a scientific experiment a researcher destroyed a structure of one of cell parts, which broke cell division capacity. Which structure has been affected?
A. Microfibrilles.
B. Glycocalix.
C. Golgi apparatus.
*D. Centrosome.
E. Mitochondria.
18. Tumor cells culture was acted on with colchicine that blocks the synthesis of tubulin-proteins, which form spindle apparatus. What stage of cellular cycle will be affected?
A. Go period.
B. G1 phase.
C. S phase.
D.G2 phase.
*E. Mitosis.
19. Prolonged influence of toxic substances on the organism led to considerable protein synthesis decrease in hepatocytes. Which organelles have suffered of intoxication most of all?
*A. Rough endoplasmic reticulum.
B. Mitochondria.
C. Microtubules.
E. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
20. In a microscopic specimen of a human embryo, taken after involuntary miscarriage, an embryonic plate has been detected with two cellular layers: endo- and ectoderm. At what stage of embryonal development is this embryo?
*A. Gastrulation.
B. Progenesis.
C. Neurulation.
D. Histogenesis.
E. Organogenesis.
21. During the process of a human embryo formation one can observe the rise of a cavity, light little blastomeres at the periphery, and dark big blastomeres at one of the poles. How is the embryo called at this stage of development?
*A. Blastocyst.
B. Morula.
C. Zygote.
E. Embryonic disk.
22. A ribosomal structure has been affected in a cell. What processes will suffer first of all?
*A. Synthesis of protein.
B. Synthesis of nucleic acids.
C. Synthesis of carbohydrates.
D. Synthesis of lipides.
E. Synthesis of mineral substances.
23. Gonoblasts, sex stem cells, are detected in a 2-3-week-old embryo. Where do these cells differentiate?
A. In embryonic endoderm.
B. In mesenchyme.
C. In embryonic ectoderm. D.In dermatome.
*E. In yolk sac.
24. Embryonic implantation into endometrium (uterine mucosa) consists of two phases - adhesion and invasion. The first phase is accompanied by:
A. Activation of uterine glands secretion.
B. Destruction of endometrium connective tissue.
C. Destruction of endometrium epithelial cells.
*D. Blastocyst attachment to endometrium surface.
E. Suppression of uterine glands secretion.
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