Nervous system and organs of sense
41. Damages of vascular membrane are detected in the histological specimen of a fetus' eyeball. What embryonic material was probably damaged during the development of the eye?
A. Ectoderm.
*B. Mesenchyme.
C. Entoderm.
D. Outer layer of the eyeball.
E. Internal layer of the eyeball.
242. Underdeveloped epithelium of cornea is observed in the histological specimen of a fetus' eyeball. A part of what embryonal layer was probably affected in the process of embryogenesis?
A. Mesoderm.
B. Entoderm.
*C. Ectoderm.
D. Outer layer of the eyeball.
E. Internal layer of the eyeball.
243. A specimen, dyed by the method of silver impregnation, is being investigated. Pyramidal cells of different size are seen in this specimen. Short processes come off their tips and lateral surfaces; one long process comes off the base of the cells. Name the specimen.
A. Cortex of the cerebellum.
B. Spiral organ of inner ear.
C. Retina of the eye.
*D. Cerebral cortex.
E. Spinal ganglion.
244. As a result of the laser correction of vision stratified squamous epithelium of cornea decays on the incision line. What cells provide the regeneration of this epithelium?
*A. Basal epithelial cells.
B. Spinosum epithelial cells.
C. Fibroblasts.
E. Lymphocytes.
245. A patient with poliomyelitis has the damage of the spinal cord and the dysfunction of skeletal muscles. It may be explained by the destruction of some neurons. Name these neurons.
A. Associative.
B. Pseudouni polar.
*C. Motor.
D.Pseudouni polar and associative.
E. Associative and motor.
246. A patient has taken high doses of streptomycin and consequently became deaf. The function of what cells of the inner ear was damaged in this case?
A. Pillar.
B. Phalangal.
*C. Hair.
E. Connective tissue.
247. In a histological specimen an organ of nervous system is presented, which consists of grey and white substances. Grey substance is located on the periphery. Neurons form three layers in it: molecular, ganglionary, and granular. What organ is this?
A. Spinal cord.
*B. Cerebellum.
C. Pons cerebelli.
D. Cerebral cortex.
E. Medulla oblongata.
248. In a histological specimen of an eyeball a convexoconvex structure is connected with the ciliary body by means of ciliary zonule fibres, and is covered with transparent capsule from above. Name this structure.
A. Sclera.
B. Vitreous body.
C. Ciliary body.
D. Cornea.
*E. Lens.
249. Twilight vision disorder occurs as a result of vitamin A deficit. Name
the cells, which perform this photoreceptor function.
A. Multipolar neurons.
B. Horizontal neurons.
C. Cones neurosensory cells.
*D.Rod neurosensory cells.
E. Ganglionic nerve cells.
250. A child (5 years old) after a chemical burn of the lateral surface of tongue has ageusia in this site. It is connected with the destruction of gustatory sensory cells. What cellular structure takes part in stimulation perception?
A. Lateral su rface.
*B. Microvilli on the apical surface.
C. Microvilli on the basal surface.
D. Nucleus.
E. Basement membrane.
251. A boxer has disturbance in smell after a trauma of the nose. The damage of what cells may cause the loss of smell?
*A. Neurosensory.
B. Supporting epithelial cells.
C. Basal epithelial cells.
D. Ciliary epithelial cells.
E. Microvillous epithelial cells.
252. During examination an oculist has detected that the patient does not distinguish blue and green colors, but perceives other colors normally. It may be connected with the function damage of some structures of retina. Name these structures.
A. Amacrine neurons.
B. Rod neurons.
C. Multipolar neurons.
*D.Cones neurons.
E. Horizontal neurons.
253. A 14-year-old patient has twilight vision impairment. What vitamin deficit takes place in the organism?
A. B12.
B. B1.
C. B6.
*E. A.
254. Alcohol intoxication, as a rule, is accompanied by the coordination of movements disorder and imbalance caused by the damage of cerebellum structural elements. The function of what cells of cerebellum is affected first of all?
A. Basket.
*B. Purkinje's.
C. Betz.
D. Stellate.
E. Granulosa.
255. A part of the central nervous system has layer-by-layer allocation of neurocytes, among which there are cells of such forms: stellate, fusiform, horizontal, pyramidal. What part of the CNS has this structure?
*A. Cortex of large hemispheres.
B. Cerebellum.
C. Hypothalamus.
D. Spinal cord.
E. Medulla oblongata.
256. A traumatic injury of nerve fibers is accompanied by axons damage, lysis of myelin. What nerve structures
take part in myelin reconstruction during regeneration?
A. Perineurium.
B. Ependimocytes.
*C. Neurolemmocytes.
E. Astrocytes.
257. The ciliary body of a patient is damaged. The function of what eye apparatus suffers?
A. Light-sensitive.
B. Light-conductive.
*C. Accommodation.
D. Protective.
E. Trophic.
258. In a histological specimen a structure of eyeball wall is detected; blood vessels are absent in this structure. What structure is characterized by this morphologic sign?
A. Ciliar body.
*B. Cornea.
C. Choroid.
E. Retina.
259. In an electronic micrograph of a sense organ hair cells are seen, on their apical part there are short microvilli -stereocilii and a polar-located kinocilium. Of what sensory organ are such cells typical?
*A. Organ of vestibular.
B. Organ of vision.
C. Olfactory organ.
D. Organ of hearing.
E. Organ of taste.
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