General histology
25. During spinal puncture a neurologist punctuates dura mater. Which tissue forms it?
A. Smooth muscle tissue.
B. Loose connective tissue.
*C. Dense connective tissue.
D. Mucous connective tissue.
E. Cartilaginous tissue.
26. In a histological specimen of connective tissue big cells, filled with basophilic metachromatic granulosity, have been detected. The granules have been histochemically detected to contain heparin and histamine. What cells are most likely to have been detected in this specimen?
A. Plasma cell.
B. Fibroblasts.
C. Macrophages.
*D.Mast cells.
E. Adipocytes.
27. A patient with injuries of legs muscles has been admitted to a traumatology center. What cells make muscular fibers reparative regeneration possible?
*A. Satellite cells.
B. Myoblasts.
C. Myofibroblasts.
D. Fibroblasts.
E. Myoepithelial cells.
28. Hemoglobin quantity has decreased in blood. Which function of blood, is disordered in this case?
A. Hormones transport.
*B. Gases transport.
C. Providing immunity.
D. Coagulation.
E. Nutritive materials transport.
29. Clinical blood analysis of a patient with pneumonia has shown the increase of the leukocytes total amount. How is this phenomenon called?
A. Anemia.
*B. Leukocytosis.
C. Leukopenia.
D. Anisocytosis.
E. Poikilocytosis.
30. 20% of spherical, flat, plane, and branched erythrocytes have been detected in the blood of a 26-year-old man. The other erythrocytes are of biconcave
discoid shape. How is such phenomenon called?
*A. Physiological poikilocytosis.
B. Pathological poikilocytosis.
C Physiological anisocytosis.
D. Pathological anisocytosis.
E. Erythrocytosis.
31. In blood of a patient there were discovered 14.5% of erythrocytes of more than 8 micrometers in diameter, 15.5% of erythrocytes up to 6 micrometers, the other - 7.1-7.9 micrometers in diameter. How is this phenomenon called?
A. Erythrocytosis.
B. Erythropenia.
C. Physiological poikilocytosis.
D. Pathological poikilocytosis.
*E. Anisocytosis.
32. A patient's blood stem cells were destructed after radiation exposure. Regeneration of what loose connective tissue cells will be affected?
A. Adipocytes.
B. Pigment cells.
*C. Macrophages.
E. Fibroblasts.
33. After myocardial infarction a patient's morphological heart wall integrity was regenerated. Owing to what tissues did the regeneration take place?
A. Nerve.
B. Smooth muscle.
C. Striated muscle.
D. Epithelial.
*E. Connective.
34. Megalocytes may appear in human peripheral blood. When is their quantity in blood normal?
*A. During embryonic period.
B. Up to 1 year old.
C. From 1 year to 30 years.
D. During elderly period.
E. During pregnancy.
35. A large cell with low-basophilic cytoplasm and bean-like nucleus is observed in a peripheral blood smear. The cell is the largest among other ones in this specimen. What is this cell?
A. Plasma cell.
B. Macrophage.
*C. Monocyte.
D.Middle lymphocyte.
E. Small lymphocyte.
36. In a peripheral blood smear some round cells with segmented nuclei prevail among leukocytes. Minute granulosity in their cytoplasm is dyed both with acid and basic coloring agents. How are these cells called?
*A. Segmentonuclear neutrophils.
B. Basophils.
C. Eosinophils.
D.Young neutrophils.
E. Monocytes.
37. The main structural unit of the tissue on histological specimen is fibers consisting of simplast and satellitocytes covered with common basic membrane. Which tissue is this structure characteristic of?
*A. Skeletal striated muscle tissue.
B. Smooth muscle tissue.
C. Cardiac muscle tissue.
D. Loose connective tissue.
E. Reticular connective tissue.
38. Isogeneic groups of cells are being detected in a histological specimen of cartilaginous tissue. Which cells are initial in the organization of these groups?
A. Chondroblasts.
*B. Chondrocytes of the I type.
C. Prechondroblasts.
D. Chondrocytes of the II type.
E. Chondrocytes of the III type.
39. Histamine has a leading role in the development of the clinical presentations of allergy. Which cells produce histamine?
A. B-lymphocytes.
B. T-lymphocytes.
C: Macrophages.
*D.Mast cells.
E. Plasma cells.
40. During an experiment one of blood cell populations was selectively stimulated. As a result, vascular permeability considerably increased, which caused perivascular tissue edema and blood coagulation slowing-down. Which cells were stimulated?
*A. Basophils.
B. Erythrocytes.
C. Thrombocytes.
D. Eosinophils.
E. Lymphocytes.
41. Destruction of thin myofilaments is observed during the research of a striated
muscle fiber after the action of hydrolytic ferments. Which structures have been damaged?
*A. Actin myofilaments.
B. Tonofibrils.
C. T-systems.
D. Sarcoplasmic reticulum.
E. Myosin myofilaments.
42. A malignant epithelial tumor of the pericardium of a 53-year-old man has been diagnosed. What epithelium is a source of its development?
A. Transitional.
B. Pseudostratified.
*C. Simple squamous.
D. Stratified keratinized.
E. Stratified non-keratinized.
43. 10% of spherical cells of 4.5-7 micrometers size with large spherical nuclei and basophile colored cytoplasm in the form of a narrow thin edge around the nucleus have been detected in the blood smear of a patient who had had
, flu. What condition of blood do the cells characterize?
A. Thrombopenia.
*B. Lymphocytopenia.
C. Leukopenia.
D. Lymphocytosis.
E. Monocytopenia.
44. A patient has changes of epithelium observed after prolonged inflammation of nasal cavity mucosa. What epithelium has changed?
A. Stratified squamous.
B. Simple squamous.
*C. Pseudostratified.
D. Stratified cuboidal.
E. Stratified columnar.
45. A sportsman's leg has been injured during training. A traumatologist has diagnosed tendon rupture. What type of connective tissue forms this organ?
A. Cartilaginous.
B. Dense irregular connective.
C. Loose connective.
D. Reticular.
*E. Dense regular connective.
46. With age human skin undergoes changes, which may declare themselves by reduction of skin elasticity. What structures of connective tissue provide skin elasticity most of all?
A. Cells of epidermis.
B. Ground substance.
*C. Collagen and elastic fibers.
D. Connective tissue cells.
E. Reticular fibers.
47. Research of a blood smear of a patient has shown cells which make 0.5 % of the leukocytes total number, have S-shaped nuclei and metachromatically colored granules in cytoplasm. Name these cells.
A. Neutrophils.
*B. Basophils.
C. Eosinophils.
D. Monocytes.
E. Lymphocytes.
48. Pleural fiction rub of a patient with dry pleuritis is being auscultated. What epithelium is damaged?
A. Simple columnar.
B. Simple cuboidal.
*C. Simple squamous.
D. Transitional.
E. Stratified.
49. Articular cartilages are known not to have perichondrium. What growth of these cartilages is observed during regeneration?
*A. Interstitial.
B. Appositional.
C. By imposition.
D. Appositional and interstitial.
E. Does not regenerate.
50. During electromicroscopic examination of a hyaline cartilage cells with well-developed granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus are detected. What function is carried out by these cells?
*A. Formation of intercellular substance.
B. Depositing of glycogen.
C. Trophicity of cartilaginous tissue.
D.Deposition of fat.
E. Destruction of cartilage intercellular substance.
51. The decrease of blood supply of an organ predetermines hypoxia development that activates fibroblasts function. Volume of which elements is increased in this situation?
A. Parenchymatous elements of the organ.
B. Microcirculatory vessels.
C. Nerve elements.
*D.Intercellular substance.
E. Lymphatic vessels.
52. One of the rules of surgery is performing sections along the so-called lines of Langer (lines of skin tension). What tissue forms the reticular (the strongest) layer of derma?
A. Reticular connective tissue.
*B. Dense irregular connective tissue.
C. Loose connective tissue.
D.Epithelial tissue.
E. Dense regular connective tissue.
53. Diphtheritic croup arises in consequence of thickening on true vocal folds of fibrin films closely connected with epithelium. With what epithelium is vocal folds mucosa lined?
A. Pseudostratified columnar ciliated.
B. Stratified squamous keratinized.
*C. Stratified squamous non-keratinized.
D. Simple squamous.
E. Simple cuboidal.
54. 20% of large (20 micrometers in diameter) spherical cells with low-ba-sophilic cytoplasm and bean-like nucleus are observed in a Romanovsky's blood stain. Clinically this phenomenon is characterized as:
A. Reticulocytosis.
B. Lymphocytosis.
C. Leukopenia.
D. Neutrophilocy tosis.
*E. Monocytosis.
55. A patient, a nurse by profession, complains of increasing hands' skin itching and appearance of vesicles filled with liquid after a watch in hospital, namely after injecting streptomycin to patients. During the leave disease signs disappear. The increased quantity of which cells can be detected by means of blood analysis?
A. Neutrophilic leukocytes.
B. Basophilic leukocytes.
C. Monocytes.
*D.Eosinophilic leukocytes.
E. Lymphocytes.
56. Helminthic invasion of a 6-year-old child is diagnosed. What changes of the leukocytic formula should be expected?
A. Increase of lymphocytes quantity.
B. Increase of neutrophiles quantity.
C. Decrease of eosinophils quantity.
D. Increase of monocytes quantity.
*E. Increase of eosinophils quantity.
57. A doctor paid attention to the reinforced resorption of osteal tissue in separate parts when analysing a patient's roentgenogram. What cells' increased activity can this phenomenon be connected with?
*A. Osteoclasts.
B. Chondroblasts.
C. Osteocytes.
D. Osteoblasts.
E. Chondrocytes.
58. After conducting analysis a laboratory doctor came to an additional conclusion that the blood belongs to a woman. Features of what blood elements ground such conclusion?
A. Erythrocytes.
*B. Neutrophilic leukocytes.
C. Lymphocytes.
D. Monocytes.
E. Basophilic leukocytes.
59. A 66-year-old man has a malignant epithelial tumor originating from a bronchus of medium calibre diagnosed. What epithelium is a source of this tumor development?
A. Stratified keratinized.
B. Stratified non-keratinized.
*C. Simple pseudostratified ciliated.
D.Simple pseudostratified transitional.
E. Simple columnar.
60. A benign epithelial tumor of trachea of a 56-year-old man is diagnosed. What epithelium is a source of this tumor development?
A. Simple pseudostratified transitional.
B. Stratified non-keratinized.
C. Stratified keratinized.
*D. Simple pseudostratified ciliated.
E. Simple columnar.
61. A benign epithelial tumor of visceral pleura of the right lung superior lobe of a 48-year-old man is diagnosed. What epithelium is a source of this tumor development?
*A. Simple squamous.
B. Stratified non-keratinized.
C. Simple pseudostratified ciliated.
D. Transitional.
E. Stratified keratinized.
62. A 15-year-old girl has a chemical burn of the superior surface of tongue. What epithelium is damaged?
A. Simple pseudostratified ciliated.
B. Simple low columnar.
*C. Stratified non-keratinized.
D. Transitional.
E. Simple squamous.
63. A patient has excessive resorption of bones detected. With the increased activity of what osteal tissue cells is it connected?
A. Osteoblasts.
B. Osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
C. Osteocytes and osteoblasts.
*D. Osteoclasts.
E. Osteocytes.
64. By the results of the analysis of blood spots in the site of a crime a medical expert has detected that it was woman's blood. By what signs is it established?
A. Poikilocytosis.
B. Microcytes and macrocytes.
*C. Satellites of nuclei in neutrophiles.
D. Specific granules in eosinophils.
E. Erythrocytes quantity.
65. A child has signs of inflammation around a scratch on the skin: pain, reddening, edema - as a manifestation of immediate hypersensitivity reaction. What blood cells predetermine these changes?
A. Lymphocytes.
B. Eosinophils.
C. Neutrophiles.
E. Monocytes.
66. In a histological specimen of loose connective tissue there have been found relatively large cells filled with basophilic metachromatic granulosity. Histochemically it is established that the granules contain heparin and histamine. What are these cells?
A. Adipocytes.
B. Fibroblasts.
C. Macrophages.
*E. Mast cells.
67. In a figure a structural unit of striated muscles myofibrils - sarcomere, which is placed between two neighboring Z lines, is schematically represented. How will the H-zone of the sarcomere change at maximum reduction?
A. Does not change.
*B. Disappears.
C. Increases by 2 times.
D. Decreases by 2 times.
E. Takes up all sarcomere.
68. During the direct histogenesis of tubular bones osteal tissue a plate, which further will provide the growth of bones lengthwise, is formed between epiphysial and diaphyseal centres of ossification. How is this structure called?
A. Osseous cuff.
*B. Metaepyphysial plate.
C. Bone lamella.
D. Osteon.
E. A layer of internal general plates.
69. The research of a specimen of connective tissue has detected neutrophiles. How do these cells function penetrating from blood into tissues?
A. Of support.
B. Trophic.
*C. Phagocytosis of microorganisms.
D. Regulate contraction of smooth myocytes.
E. Dilate blood vessels.
70. During a conditional experiment the action of a toxic substance enhances the mechanism of nerve impulse transfer. What structure provides this function?
A. Neurofibril.
B. Neurolemma.
*C. Synapse.
D. Mitochondrion.
E. Nissl's substance.
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