Physiology of the nervous system
Physiology of the nervous system
Фізіологія нервової системи
TEXT: Physiology of the nervous system
GRAMMAR: Complex Subject Construction
Exercise 1. Learn the following words:
Sensory ['sens(ə)ri] чутливий
Сore [kɔ:] ядро
Enclosed [in'kləʊzd] закритий, обгороджений
Interpret [ɪn'tɜːprɪt] тлумачити; пояснювати
Stimulus ['stɪmjələs] стимул; подразник
Touch [tʌʧ] дотик; торкання
Consciousness [ˌkɔn(t)ʃɪ'en(t)ʃəsnəs] свідомість
Medulla [me'dʌlə] кістковий мозок
Reasoning ['riːz(ə)nɪŋ] міркування
Afferent ['æf(ə)rənt] вразливий
Exercise 2. The given words are verbs. What are the noun forms?
Diagnose, examine, prescribe, suffer, recover, analyze, replace, withdraw, exceed.
Exercise 3. Give the opposite meanings of the words from the right column:
Back alive
Cure allow
Dead closed
Improve deteriorate
Healthy ill
Open front
Prevent increase
Reduce kill
Smooth replace
Remove rough
Exercise 4. Translate into Ukrainian:
a core of grey matter, average brain weight, bundles of nerves, medulla oblongata, afferent fibers, sensory centers, voluntary muscles, nerve stimulus, vital functions, reflex movement.
Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:
Physiology of the nervous system
The brain. The brain (cerebrum) is the enlarged and highly developed mass of nervous tissue that forms the upper end of the central nervous system. The average adult human brain weights about 1400 g and is continuous below with the spinal cord. The spinal cord is the portion of the central nervous system enclosed in the vertebral column, consisting of nerve cells and bundles of nerves connecting all parts of the body with the brain. It contains a core of grey matter and is enveloped in three layers of membrane (the meninges) and extends from the medulla oblongata in the skull to the level of the second lumbar vertebra.
The functions of the brain. The role of nervous system in our body is often compared to that of a centralized computer which controls the functioning of an entire system. This analogy explains the working of the nervous system in one of the best ways possible. The nervous system plays an important role in the smooth functioning of the different parts of our body. It is basically a complex network of cells with specialized functions. These cells communicate with each other by means of electrochemical waves. The neurons are the important components of the nervous system.
Central nervous system (CNS) is the seat of all sensation due to the bringing in of the stimuli from the tissues by afferent fibres to the sensory centres of the brain. These stimuli pass through three or more afferent neurons before they reach the sensory centres of the cerebrum, by which they are interpreted as sensations. Central nervous system controls all movements of voluntary muscles – muscles of the head, limbs and trunk. Movement is due to nerve stimulus. Movement is classified as voluntary and reflex one. The brain is the special seat of all the special senses – sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. The brain is the seat of all the higher mental powers – reasoning, will power, consciousness, memory, emotions, etc. The brain also controls the vital functions of the respiration and circulation, the controlling centres being located in the medulla.
Exercise 6. Answer the questions:
1. What is the brain?
2. What is the average weight of the human brain?
3. What is the spinal cord like?
4. Where does the spine extend?
5. What parts does the brain comprise?
6. What is the most important part of the brain?
7. What is the role of nervous system in the body?
8. What processes does CNS control?
9. What is movement due to?
Exercise 7. Translate into English:
спинний і головний мозок, складна сітка кліток, електрохімічні хвилі, цілісна система, контролюючі центри, жмутик нервових закінчень, вільне функціонування, безумовні рефлекси, сіра речовина мозку, рух, подразник, життєво важлива функція.
Extrcise 8. Complete the sentences:
1. The role of nervous system is compared to…
2. The brain forms…
3. The spinal cord is enclosed…
4. Nervous system plays an important role in…
5. … are important components of the nervous system.
6. The cells communicate be means of…
7. The brain also controls the vital…
8. … is classified as voluntary and reflex one.
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