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Text D. Physicians in the struggle for peace.

There is no task more important nowadays than the preservation of peace on earth.

Every sensible 1 man understands that the nuclear war means the end of the human civilization. That is why more and more people, more and more organizations national and international are fighting against the war dangers.

Many physicians from different countries take an active part in the struggle for peace.

Doctors are directly responsible for people's health. Day and night they are tirelessly2 fighting for the lives of the people. And they understand better than anyone what consequences3 the nuclear war may bring to the human organism.

There is a Committee of Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War in our country headed by academician Yevgeny Chazov. This Committee as well as organizations of physicians in other countries hold World Assemblies for Peace and Life against nuclear war. At these meetings the scientists report on irreversible4 changes of nuclear damage done to vital organs. Even reanimation is helpless in case of nuclear war. Their reports are based on scientific observations of the victims of Heroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombardment.

The famous German writer Arnold Zweig awarded the International Lenin Peace Prize said that if we wanted peace we had to work for it every day of our life, every hour of the day.

And physicians consider the struggle for peace as their moral and civic duty.


1. sensible — разумный

2. tirelessly — неутомимо

3. consequeuces — последствия

4. irreversible — необратимый


Урок 2. ХП. 1. does, 2. do, 3. did. 4. do

ХШ. 1. Does your friend get a stipend? 2. He does not know my address. 3. Do you live at the hostel? 4. They do not come to the hospital.

Урок 3. XI. 1. They were nurses. 2. They are children. 3. The boxes are on the tables. 4. We are young men. 5. We shall be doctors.

XII. 1. him, his; 2. them, their; 3. us; 4. our; 5. his; 6. it, its;

Her, her; 8. me

Урок 4. IX. 1. в англ. предл. — в конце; в русск. предл. — в начале; 2. с оборота there is (are); 3. не переводится

ХП. Пора начинать наш опыт. 2. Вчера не было холодно. 3. Будет ли трудно сделать эту работу?

Урок 5.1, a) sh [Л- ch, tch [tj]; ph [f|; 6) th [б]; в) th [9]

VIII. 1. poor; 2. particular; 3. valuable; 4. kind

IX. 1. способности; 2. излечение; 3. охрана здоровья

XV. 1. where; 2. what; 3. what; 4. whose; 5. who; 6. which

Урок 6. V. to mark — отмечать, поставить оценку; to aim — иметь целью, стремиться; to date—датировать; to rest — отдыхать; to group — группировать; to act — действовать; to cure — вылечивать; to harm — вредить

VI. допускать, принять (into); оканчивать (вуз); добавлять; экзаменовать, обследовать; защищать; располагать

VII. 1. голова; 2, стулья; 3. заведующий кафедрой; 4. жизни; 5. живет; 6. сначала; 7. первое

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