Список цитированной и рекомендуемой литературы. 1. Andrews J. D. W. The active self in psychotherapy
1. Andrews J. D. W. The active self in psychotherapy. – New York: Gardner, 1990.
2. Beck A. Depression: Clinical, experimental, and theoretical aspects. – New York: Hoeber, 1967.
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4. Beck A. Cognitive therapy and the emotional disorders. – New York: American Library Trade, 1993.
5. Beck A. Beyond belief: A theory of modes, personality, and psycho-pathology. / P. Salkovskis (Ed.) // Frontiers of cognitive therapy. – New York: Guilford, 1996. P. 1 – 25.
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7. Beck A., Rush A., Shaw В., Emery G. Cognitive therapy of depression. – New York: Guilford, 1979.
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11. Beck J. Changing core beliefs: Use of the core belief worksheet. / H. Rosenthal (Ed.) // Favorite counseling and therapy techniques. – Washington DC: Accelerated Development, 1998.
12. Beck J. G., Zebb B. J. Behavioral assessment and treatment of panic disorder: Current status, future directions // Behavior Therapy. 1994. V. 25. P. 581 – 611.
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17. Ellis A. Overcoming resistance: Rational-emotive therapy with difficult clients. – New York: Springer, 1985.
18. Ellis A. How to stubbornly refuse to make yourself miserable about anything – yes, anything! – Melbourne, Australia: The Macmillan Company of Australia, 1988a.
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20. Ellis A. Better, deeper, and more enduring brief therapy: The rational emotive behavior therapy approach. – New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1995.
21. Ellis A., Dryden W. The practice of rational emotive behavior therapy. – New York: Springer, 1996.
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23. Lazarus A. In the minds eye: The power of imagery for personal enrichment. – New York: Rawson, 1977.
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26. Lazarus A. Casebook of multimodal therapy. – New York: Guilford, 1995.
27. Lazarus A. Time tripping. / H. Rosenthal (Ed.) // Favorite counseling and therapy techniques. – Washington, DC: Accelerated Development, 1998.
28. McMullin R., Giles T. Cognitive-behavior therapy: A restructuring approach. – New York: Grune & Stratton, 1981.
29. Meichenbaum D. Changing conceptions of cognitive behavior modification: Retrospect and prospect // Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 1993. v. 61. P. 292 – 294.
30. Meichenbaum D. A clinical handbook/practical therapist manual for assessing and treating adults with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). – Waterloo, ON: Institute Press, 1994.
31. Premack D. Reinforcement theory. / D. Levine (Ed.) // Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 1965.
32. Wolpe J. The practice of behavior therapy. – New York: Pergamon Press, 1969.
33. Александров А. А. Личностно-ориентированные методы психотерапии. – СПб.: Речь, 2000.
34. Бурлачук Л. Ф., Грабская И. А., Кочарян А. С. Основы психотерапии. – Киев – Москва, Ника-Центр-Алетейа, 1999.
35. МакМаллин Р. Практикум по когнитивной терапии. – СПб.: Речь, 2001.
36. Смит М. Дж. Тренинг уверенности в себе. – СПб.: Комплект, 1997.
[1]Этот раздел написан по материалам книги «Практикум по когнитивной терапии» (МакМалин, 2001).
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