Пояснения к тексту
1. many times - во много раз
2. combat against - бороться против
3. Russian-made inhibitors - ингибиторы, изготовленные в России
1. During a year almost 200 million tons of metal objects are considered to be destroyed by corrosion. Considering that about 600 million tons of metal a year are produced in the world, it is easy to understand the losses of objects without which our life could not be imagined.
2. The situation is very serious, because not only metal is destroyed but also a great amount of articles, instruments, and tools whose cost exceeds many times1 the cost of the metal used for their manufacture.
3. Combatting against2 the corrosion of metals has now become a key problem in all industrialized countries.
The scientific and technical achievements in the field of raising the corrosion resistance of construction materials are the basis of technical progress in different branches of industry, an indicator of the country's economic potential.
4. A large amount of "anti-corrosion" work is being carried out in Russia. The results are evident: Russian-made inhibitors3, varnishes, paint covers are being well known throughout the world. Gas pipelines, metal structures, the bodies of atomic reactors and ships, etc. have been reliably protected against corrosion.
5. Russia produces special equipment and some kinds of technology designed to weaken corrosion. Anti-corrosion varnishes, paints, insulating materials and equipment are purchased abroad.
V. Прочтите 5-й абзац текста и ответьте письменно на следующий вопрос:
What materials weakening corrosion does Russia buy?
I. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Помните, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям (см. образец выполнения 1).
1. A number of Russian scientists believe the Tunguska explosion to have been caused by a meteorite.
2. Samples of semiconductors with improved properties are reported to be obtained on a new installation.
3. Scientific discoveries to be practically applied in industry and agriculture are paid special attention to.
II. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого (самостоятельного) причастных оборотов (см. образец выполнения 2).
1. Investigating the factors causing losses of energy being transmitted over long distances, the scientists have discovered the means of reducing them to a minimum.
2. Light and food industries have been modernized, much being done to expand the production of consumer goods.
3. An experiment demonstrating the existence of an ultraviolet and infrared spectrum must be performed.
III. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие сложные предложения. Обратите внимание на то, как переводятся условные предложения (см. образец выполнения 3).
1. If liquids expand upon freezing, an increase of pressure lowers the freezing point.
2. If the metal had been heated slowly, the first changes in its appearance would have occurred at a temperature of 1000°K.
3. It would be impossible to determine the properties of these materials without intensive studies in our research laboratory.
IV. Прочтите и устно переведите с 1-го по 5-й абзацы текста. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2, 3 и 4-й абзацы.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 502 | Нарушение авторских прав
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