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Пояснения к тексту. 1. to play a part - играть роль

  1. АУТООФТАЛЬМОТРЕНИНГА (приводится по тексту книги: Гримак Л. П. Общение с собой: начала психологии активности. М., 1991. С. 307—310)
  2. Вместо заключения (теоретические пояснения).
  3. Пояснения для студентов.
  6. Пояснения к тексту
  7. Пояснения к тексту
  8. Пояснения к тексту
  9. Пояснения к тексту

1. to play a part - играть роль

2. to their credit - на своем счету

3. means — средство

4. in the order of - порядка (т. е. около...)

5. closest – ближайший



1. In our country much attention is given to electronics, which is playing a major part1 in economic development. Russian scientists and engineers have many achievements to their credit2 in this field. One outstanding example is space.

2. Electronics, however, has not only helped us to reach cosmic expanses but has given us an insight into the world of the most minute organisms - viruses. For instance, a modern electronic microscope shows the processes taking place in ultra-microscopic formations of a living cell. Now it is possible to distinguish details being a millionth of a millimeter away from each other.

3. Electronics is in many ways helping us to solve the problem of the peaceful uses of atomic energy, and to study atomic nuclei and elementary particles. We know electronics to have found broad application in industry as a means3 of automation, control and inspection, and as a direct means of fulfilling such operations as melting, cutting of superhard materials, welding, etc.

4. The electron beam acting like a micro-miniature instrument can cut, bore, mill or plane any material, including tungsten and diamond, with an accuracy to within microns. Quantum generators can focus light in extremely narrow beams, their angular width being in the order of a thousandth of a degree. These instruments are called lasers and they can be used for cutting, drilling, welding and other treatment of materials.

5. The lasers are also used in studying the properties of various substances, in radio-engineering, medicine, biology, etc. Scientists believe that such a beam of light will make it possible to establish contact with the stellar systems closest to our planet.


V. Прочтите 5-й абзац текста и ответьте письменно на следующий вопрос:


What branches of engineering and science can lasers be used in?




I. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Помните, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям (см. образец выполнения 1).


1. They wanted the amplifier to be carefully examined by experts.

2. People seem to realize the potential dangers of some scientific discoveries.

3. Conduction is known to be a process by which heat is transmitted through a substance by molecular activity.

4. Industrial robots to be built will perform certain tasks even better than a human being.


II. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого (самостоятельного) причастных оборотов (см. образец выполнения 2).


1. Working with machines, sharp tools, motors one must always be careful.

2. The stream of electrons moving along the conductor is called electric current.

3. The productivity of labour rising rapidly, our industry is able to produce more and more goods.


III. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие сложные предложения. Обратите внимание на то, как переводятся условные предложения (см. образец выполнения 3).


1. If you had translated the article, you could have used valuable data in your work.

2. If the quality of the equipment were higher, the results of the experiment would be more accurate.

3. It would be impossible to explain chemical phenomena without using the laws of physics.


IV. Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык с 1-го по 4-й абзацы текста. Перепишите и письменно переведите 2, 3 к 4-й абзацы.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 481 | Нарушение авторских прав

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