АкушерствоАнатомияАнестезиологияВакцинопрофилактикаВалеологияВетеринарияГигиенаЗаболеванияИммунологияКардиологияНеврологияНефрологияОнкологияОториноларингологияОфтальмологияПаразитологияПедиатрияПервая помощьПсихиатрияПульмонологияРеанимацияРевматологияСтоматологияТерапияТоксикологияТравматологияУрологияФармакологияФармацевтикаФизиотерапияФтизиатрияХирургияЭндокринологияЭпидемиология

Контрольная работа № 4

  1. I. Работа в клинике.
  2. I. Работа с макропрепаратами.
  3. I. Работа с макропрепаратами.
  4. I. Работа с макропрепаратами.
  5. I. Работа с макропрепаратами.
  6. I. Работа с макропрепаратами.
  7. I. Работа с макропрепаратами.
  8. II. Работа в клинике.
  9. II. Работа в клинике.
  10. II. Работа в клинике.



1. Глагол be в настоящем простом времени (Present Simple Tense)

Впишите нужную форму глагола be (из предложенных под цифрами (1), (2), (3)):

a) No, he __________.

(1) are (2) is (3) isn’t

b) Yes, they __________.

(1) are (2) aren’t (3) is

c) Yes, she __________.

(1) are (2) is (3) isn’t

d) No, I __________.

(1) ’m not (2) aren’t (3) isn’t

e) No, they __________.

(1) are (2) aren’t (3) isn’t

f) _____ you a doctor?

(1) am (2) is (3) are

g) _____ she an economist?

(1) am (2) is (3) are

h) How old _____ she?

(1) am (2) is (3) are



1. Напишите справа соответствующие притяжательные местоимения:

Subject pronoun Possessive determiner

I (1) _________

you (2) ________

he (3) ________

she (4) ________

we (5) ________

they (6) ________

it (7) ________


2. Подчеркните нужное слово (из выделенных жирным шрифтом):

a) This is I / my wife. She / Her name is Helenl.

b) These are our / their children. They / Their are five and seven years.



1. Напишите соответствующие числительные (цифрами):

thirteen ______ forty______ eighty_____ seven_____

fifteen ______ three_____ two _____ zero (oh)_____

eighteen______ one_____ five_____ ten_____

twelve _____ eleven_____ twenty____ four_____

nine_____ six_____ hundred_____ thousand_______


2. Запишите данные числительные словами:

Образец: 7549 – seven thousand, five hundred (and) forty-nine
















3. Запишите данные десятичные дроби словами:


5.096________________________________________________________________   11.930_______________________________________________________________   4.591________________________________________________________________  


IV. Заполните пропуски в предложениях артиклем a, an или the (там, где нужно):

1) This is ____ office. _____ office is very good. 11) I like _____apples.

2) My name is_____Mariya. 12) My surname is_____Bogatov.

3) I am _____ student. 13) I can play _____ guitar.

4) Let’s go to ____ cinema 14) He lives in ____ Sochi.

5) I live in ____ Green Street. 15) ______water is cold.

6)_____ sky is blue. 16) It is _____my pen.

7) _____moon is bright. 17) I live in _____Usinsk.

8) I like ____tennis. 18) _____coffee is cold.

9) _____ sun is very hot. 19) It is _____Oka.

10) She is _____economist. 20) They like _____ his dog.



1. Напишите слова в правильном порядке, чтобы сформулировать утвердительные и вопросительные предложения:


a) you / are / where / from?


b) from / Paula / is / Brazil


c) Germany / from /they / are


d) Japan / from / is / Keiko?



2. Заполните пропуски в предложениях нужной формой глагола be (am, is, are):


a) Where _______ you from?

b) I _______ from Russia.

c) She _______ from Poland.

d) _______ they from Britain?

e) _______ Mariya from Italy?

f) _______the digital cameras from Japan?

g) ______he from Germany?

h)Where _______ Ben from?

i)Where _______ Ben and his wife from?


VI. Заполните пропуски в предложениях правильной формой глаголов eat, speak, live, work, run (обратите внимание на 3-е лицо, единственное число):

a) Aleksander__________ with his family in a big house.

b) He __________ for Microsoft.

c) She __________ French.

d) They __________ in a small flat.

e) I __________ for Apple.

f) We __________ English.

g) Sasha __________ many sweets.

h) I _______ every morning in the park.


VII. Напишите слова в правильном порядке, чтобы сформулировать вопросы, затем дайте краткие ответы (+ или -):


a) green / tea / do / you / like?

_________________________________________________________________ +

b) food / Nina / like / Italian / does?

_________________________________________________________________ -

c) you / things / do / old / like?

_________________________________________________________________ +

d) he / cars / does / big / like?

_________________________________________________________________ +

e) you / big / cities / like / do?

_________________________________________________________________ -

f) whisky / like / you / do?

_______________________________________________________________________ + 2. Сфорулируйте 10-12 вопросов к данному тексту, используя дополнительные слова: does, is, she, like, how old, her, when, what, where, are, hobbies

My name’s Mariya Smirnova. I’m 24. I’m from Krasnodar. I work in an office. I’m a secretary, but my dream job is a flight attendant. I am not married. I get up at six o’clock. I start work at eight o’clock and finish at five. I don’t eat meat. I like cooking and reading. My favourite city is St. Petersburg.


VIII. Заполните пронумерованные пропуски в текстах словами из рамки:


doesn’t I’m my work works get up haven’t


My name’s Margarita Mishel and (1) ___________ twenty-four. I am French. Nowadays I live in Miami, Florida with (2) ________ husband, Sam. He’s a pilot and he (3) ___________ for American Airlines. I’m a secretary. I (4) ___________ in an office. I (5) ____________early in the morning and go running and swimming. Sam (6) ___________ like swimming. He stays in bed and gets up late. We (7) _______________children yet.


doesn’t I’m My wife’s like get up fond


(1)____ name’s Dmitriy Polenko. (2) ___________ twenty-six. I live in Minsk, Belarus. I am marreid. My (3) ________name is Elena. She’s a hairdresser. She (4) ___________ like motorbikes, but I (5) __________ very much. I’m a driver. I (6) __________ early in the morning and go running. I am (7) ___________of sport.



1. Напишите справа соответствующие объектные местоимения:

Subject pronoun Object pronoun

I (1) ________

you (2) ________

he (3) ________

she (4) ________

it (5) ________

we (6) ________

they (7) ________


2. Заполните пропуски в предложениях объектными местоимениями:


a) Can I help ______?

b) You are telling lies. I don’t believe _________.

c) She isn’t at home. Don’t phone _________.

d) It is my thing. Don’t touch ________.

e) We are looking for the tenth house. Could you help ______?

f) They are new students. Do you know ___________?


X. Заполните пропуски в предложениях словами have (got) или has (got):


a) Alik___________a new car.

b) Tigers___________sharp teeth.

c) He___________an expensive mobile phone.

d) We____________a good fridge.

e) She ____________three little children.

f) I _______________blue eyes.

g) My parents __________ own house.

h) I __________ a sister.

i) We __________ a son.

j) Her husband is Italian. He _________ two brothers.


XI. Соотнесите обозначения времени (a-e) с фразами справа (1-5).



a) 12.05 1 half past four in the morning

b) 11.55 p.m. 2 quarter past four

c) 4.30 p.m. 3 five to twelve in the evening

d) 4.30 a.m. 4 half past four in the afternoon

e) 16.15 5 five past twelve



a) 07.05 1 twenty-five to five in the morning

b) 03.10 2 midday

c) 6.40 p.m. 3 seven oh five

d) 4.35 a.m. 4 twenty to seven in the evening

e) 12.00 a.m. 5 ten past three


3. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

a) This shop is open twenty-four hours a day _____________________________________

b) When do you finish your work? ____________________________________________

c) What time does the train depart? ___________________________________________

d) When does she arrive? _____________________________________________

e) My watch is slow ________________________________________

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