What you need to know about stroke.
Stroke — is an acute cerebrovascular accident (CVA). It is manifested by neurological disorders: severe headache, disturbances of consciousness. Stroke often results in paralysis, paresis and disturbance of motor activity. Occasionally in severe cases there may be convulsions.
But in general, probability of stroke can be predicted. There are certain risk factors related to the development of a stroke. Genetic factors play a major role. Therefore, people with a family history of strokes, heart attacks and cases of early sudden death, should pay more attention to their health.
The presence of hypertension or, conversely, hypotension, low blood pressure, also indicates the possibility of stroke. Such people should be observed by the cardiologist and take medication that normalizes blood pressure and heart function. Nowadays they are offered a huge selection of medicines. Besides all above mentioned factors, lifestyle of a person plays a significant role. Indeed, quite often very healthy, strong men die in forty-odd years because they take themselves lightly: a lot of work, a lot of drinking, smoking. All this may undermine the very strong body.
I am firmly convinced that every person should live a long healthy life and die not from the stroke, but age. And it is quite possible, if human life is full and rational. We should equally take care of our body, soul and intellect. Keeping these three rules we will maintain good health throughout the years.
Stroke - is often a consequence of atherosclerosis. There is no doubt that it is caused by the violation of lipid metabolism. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize greasy foods.
Generally, after turning forty it is advisable to reduce calories and increase physical activity each following decade of life. Person's behavior must comply with his age.
A person can make himself stress-resistant. By the way, it will help to avoid not only stroke but many other diseases. We must learn to confront both physical and emotional stress. This can be easily achieved by taking a contrast shower, making contrast baths for hands and feet and attending sauna. All these procedures in fact are artificial stress, which only benefit.
Moreover, it is necessary to conduct also emotional "hardening". Auto-training, a positive attitude, the ability to handle complex conflict situations can help a lot.
All this can be learned. Generally, we must look upon life with optimism. It has been noted that optimists live longer and healthier.
Дата добавления: 2015-11-26 | Просмотры: 392 | Нарушение авторских прав