Pronunciation Drill 2
While reading these words pay attention to the stress markings;
‘Purpose con`sist `neutralize ` similarly
reason exist moderate consequently
value reduce capable accumulate
zero instead circular positively
1. Now a voltage has been applied to the heater and the cathode is emitting a normal supply of electrons. The plate is at a high positive potential and would normally attract a large number of electrons from the space charge, if it were not for the large negative bias voltage applied to the grid from the Egg battery.1
2. Because of this large negative potential, the electrosta- tic field normally existing between plate and cathode cannot penetrate to the cathode and actually terminates on the grid wires. Under these conditions the grid entirely neutralizes the electrostatic field and, hence, the attraction of the plate.
Since there is no electrostatic field near the cathode to draw away the electrons, the plate current through the tube is zero and a large space charge accumulates in the region between cathode and grid. The smallest negative voltage between grid and cathode that is just capable of cutting off the plate current is called the cut-off bias.2
3. Consider now that everything has been left unchanged, except that the negative bias voltage has been reduced to a value less than cut-off. The grid is now no longer capable of neutralizing the field between plate and cathode completely and some of the lines of force penetrate between the grid wires to the cathode. Consequently, some electrons are attract ed away from the space charge and move between the grid wires towards the positive plate.
4. This results in a moderate flow of plate current. As the negative grid voltage is further reduced, that is, made less negative, progressively more electrons are able to pass between the grid wires to the plate and the plate current con tinues to increase.
5. When the bias voltage is removed and the grid voltage is zero, the positive voltage on the plate produces a substantial electric field at the cathode and large numbers of electrons are attracted through the grid wires to the plate, resulting in a fairly large plate current. The action is similar to that of a diode, except that the grid still has some retarding effect on the electrons because of its shielding action, and hence the plate current is somewhat less than it would be with the grid removed entirely.
6. When the bias voltage has been reversed in polarity, the grid is being made positive with respect to the cathode. The grid potential now adds the plate voltage and produces a very strong electrostatic field at the cathode, resulting in л large plate-current flow through the tube. If the grid is made sufficiently positive with respect to the cathode, a point will be reached when the electrons are attracted to the plate as fast as they can be emitted from the cathode. No space charge can accumulate under these conditions and the plate current reaches its saturation value. Still further increases in either the grid or the plate voltage cannot cause an increase in the plate current.
7. A part of the electrons is attracted to the positive grid and causes a grid current to flow between grid and cathode. Under these conditions power is dissipated in the grid circuit. To avoid this power consumption and also the large satura-tion plate current, which eventually can damage the tube, electron tubes are generally operated at negative grid potentials with respect to the cathode.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 731 | Нарушение авторских прав