EXERCISES. 1. What finally led to the development of electronic tubes?
I. Review questions:
1. What finally led to the development of electronic tubes? 2. Who invented a two-electrode tube and a three-electrode one? 3. What kinds of jobs can gas-filled tubes perform?
4. When was the first semiconductor triode invented?
5. What advantages do semiconductors possess over electron vacuum tubes? 6. What did the application of integrated cir cuits allow engineers to do?
II. Make up an abstract of the text basing on the answers to the above questions.
III. Translate the international-words without a dictionary: type, aspect, principle, model, decade, technique, frac tion, calculation, complex, intensive, miniature, category, electronic, technology, mathematical
IV. Define what parts of speech these words are and translate
important, different, various, valuable, powerful, powerless, scientific, technological, intensive, introductory, possible, produced
V. Translate these synonyms and memorize them:
1. include (v), involve, contain, comprise
2. convert (v), change, transform
3. basic (adj), fundamental
4. begin (v), start, commence
5. type (n), kind
6. numerous (adj), many
7. reduce (v), decrease
8. important (adj), significant
9. allow (v), permit, let 10. almost (adv), nearly
VI. Translate these words and word combinations and learn
finally, hence, however, at present, but for, through, extremely, already, widely, highly
Find the correct answer out of the three given to each question;
1. Which of the following sciences forms the technological basis for cybernetics:
mathematics, electronics, chemistry
2. Which of the devices is widely used in scientific research and industrial designing:
a transformer, a motor, a computer
3. Which of the devices enabled man to gain an insight into the remotest corners of space:
a huge radio-telescope, coloured TV, an electronic computer
4. Which of the following devices was the heart of electronics in the first half of this century:
a gas-filled tube, a condenser, a vacuum tube
5. Which of the devices reduce the dimensions of electronic apparatus:
vacuum tubes, integrated circuits, transistors
1 См. Предисловие, стр. 6
was installed (установлено) aboard the vehicle? 4. How was the movement of the automatic station controlled?
1. On November 10th, 1970, the Luna 17 automatic sta tion was launched in the Soviet Union. The purpose of the flight was the perfection (усовершенствование) of the new systems, carried by the station and the further scientific study of the Moon and near-Moon space.
2. The Luna 17 automatic station landed on the surface of the Moon on November 17th, 1970. An automatic lunar vehicle has been placed on the Moon for the first time in the history of cosmonautics. Flags and pennants (вымпелы) with the image of the state emblem of the USSR and a basrelief portrait of Lenin were installed (установлены) on the Luno khod 1 and on the landing stage.
3. The self-propelled (самоходный) vehicle was equipped with scientific apparatus and instruments, and control ra dio communication and TV observation systems for research operations on the Moon at different distances from the place of landing. A French laser reflector had been installed aboard the Lunokhod 1 according to the Soviet-French agreement (соглашение) on cooperation.
4. The movement of the Lunokhod 1 was controlled from the centre of long-distance space communications utilizing the TV information. The successful work of the 1st world self-propelled automatic station Lunokhod 1 lasted 10 months and a half. During its stay on the Moon the vehicle covered the distance of 10,540 meters. With the help of the scientific radio-electronic equipment installed on board the Lunokhod I more than 20,000 panoramic pictures of the lunar surface
were taken and transmitted to Earth and other valuable
scientific information was received. The highly complicated
radiо-electronic equipment ensured the transmission of var-
ious information to Earth concerning the physical conditions
on the surface of our satellite.
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