EXERCISES. 1. By means of what can a luminous spot on the fluorescent screen be controlled?
I. Review questions:
1. By means of what can a luminous spot on the fluorescent screen be controlled? 2. What fluorescent materials are commonly used? 3. What is important consideration in the choice of fluorescent materials? 4. When is short persistence desirable? 5. What persistence is occasionally of advantage? 6. Why must some means be provided for removing the electrons from the screen and returning them to the cathode? 7. What is the Aquadag coating? 8. How may the electron beam be deflected? 9. What is the function of the vertical and horizontal deflecting plates?
II. Make up an abstract of the text basing on the answers to the above questions.
III. Translate the international words without a dictionary:
intensity,.combination, polarity, silicate, sulphide, zinc,
beryllium, carbon, luminous, resultant, fluorescent
*IV. Which of the following words are verbs?
1. special specialist speciality specialize
2. specify specific specifically specification
3. long along length lengthen
4. alternate alternative alternator alternation
V. Translate these synonyms and memorize them:
1. means (n), way, manner, mode
2. method (n), technique
3. material (n), substance, matter
4. adjust (v), regulate
5. give off (v), emit
6. occur (v), happen, take place
7. conduct (v), carry, transmit, convey, guide, lead
8. select (v), choose
9. highly (adv), very
10. rapidly (adv), quickly
VI. Translate these words and word combinations and learn them:
readily, otherwise, by means of, let us, in effect, among, after, such as, both... and, occasionally
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