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The higher harmonics in a curve of a prime current

  1. Higher Education in Great Britain
  2. The higher harmonics in a curve of the rectified voltage


If Pd there is less than power of supply network, rectifier influence to supply network can be not taken into account, U1 practically is not distorted. If Pd is commensurable with power of the supply network SNW, the higher harmonics of a current will create a voltage drop across supply network reactances witch is proportional to order of the higher harmonic and U1 will be deformed. In this case it is necessary to apply filters.

The order of the higher harmonics of a prime current is


where К =1,2,3…

m - a multiplicity of pulsation of Ud.

If γ=0 Ld =∞ and (i.e. the form of i1 is graduated),

where I1(q) - a rms current of q-th harmonic,

I1 (1) - a rms current of 1-st harmonic.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 416 | Нарушение авторских прав

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