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Active losses of a converter are

1) The thyristor losses ∆ РT.

2) The transformer losses

∆РTr = ∆РSt+ ∆РCop,

where ∆РSt - steel losses;

∆РCop - Cop-losses in windings.

3) The reactors losses ∆РR (anodic, smoothing and current-balancing).

4) Losses in the auxiliary equipment (a control and regulation system, cooling system) ∆PAux.

∆РSt and ∆РAux are constant and are not load-depending.

For middle-and high-voltage sets

where m - number of thyristors in the circuit,

∆UT - a voltage drop on the thyristor.

More precisely if to take into account current-voltage diagrams of the thyristor



where kf - the form factor.

Then, for low-voltage rectifiers

Primary windings of the transformer losses

where n1 - number of primary windings,

R1 - resistance of a primary winding.

Secondary windings losses the transformer

where n2 - number of secondary windings;

R2 - resistance of secondary windings.

Reactor losses

where ∆РSmR – the smoothing reactor losses,

∆РCBR - the current-balancing reactor losses,

∆РAR - the anodic reactor losses.

The core of reactors losses, as a rule, do not take into account.

Thus, at Ld≈∞

At Ld <∞ it is necessary to add a addendum into a denominator

For converters of low power

where η Th – thyristor block efficiency,

η Tr - transformer efficiency,

η f – filter efficiency.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 424 | Нарушение авторских прав

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