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The account of a stage of switching for three phase rectifier with centre tap

  1. Chapter Three
  2. Consideration of a stage of switching of thyristors for a full-wave rectifier with centre tap and active - inductive load with infinite inductance
  3. Donetsk Youth Debate Centre – UKRAINE (2011-PL-67) represented by Olga SOBCHENKO
  4. Equivalent polyphase circuits
  5. Operation of a full-wave rectifier with a centre tap with an active load
  6. Operation of a full-wave rectifier with centre tap and active - inductive load and limitеd inductance
  7. Operation of a full-wave rectifier with centre tap and active - inductive load with infinite inductance
  8. Operation of single-phase half-wave rectifier with active load
  9. Operation of the half-wave rectifier with active - inductive load and limited inductance
  10. Operation of the half-wave rectifier with center tap and opposite-EMF and active-inductive load

Conditions: La≠0, Ld=∞, α≠0

Figure 1.33

Let's assume that a control pulse is applied to the thyristor VS2 and it is turned on, the VS1 is turned off at the same time.

Let's locate a reference mark at the moment of control pulse applying to the VS2.



Figure 1.34


From here, we should find γ

Commutating voltage drop is


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