Consideration of a stage of switching of thyristors for a full-wave rectifier with centre tap and active - inductive load with infinite inductance
Conditions: Ld = ¥, ra=0, La=0, 0 <a <
As there is inductance La connected in series with thyristor, a current iT can not change by jump. The current of the switching on thyristor will be increased from 0 up to Id and the current of the switching off thyristor decreases from Id up to 0, i.e. during the same time two thyristors of same group are on state. These phenomena names as a stage of a current commutation. Duration of the stage of switching terminates asan angle γ.
Figure 1.16
Let’s consider that VS1 is turned on just as a control pulse is applied and this moment should be a moment of a reference mark. VS2 is beginning to turn off.
During an interval γ iT1 is growing up from 0 to Id;
iT2 is growing down from Id to 0.
According to first Kirchhoff’s law
Id = iT1 + iT2
Since Ld = ¥ a load current have only a direct component; hence, an alternating component of thyristors’ currents flows through phases of the transformer and the thyristors witch are both turned on.
We should designate it as iC.
iT1 = iC; iT2 = Id – iC;
Inductance of a branch of the thyristor
ха = wLa
According to 2-nd Kirchhoff’s law
iK = iT1
Let's discover γ from a condition:
At u = γ iT1 (γ) = Id
According to the theorem of the equivalent generator during the interval γ
Figure 1.17
Let's discover an average rectified voltage
where no-load EMF is
Commutating voltage drop is
From here, we could get an equation of the external characteristic
Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 654 | Нарушение авторских прав