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Operation of the half-wave rectifier with resistive-capacitive load

  1. Consideration of a stage of switching of thyristors for a full-wave rectifier with centre tap and active - inductive load with infinite inductance
  2. Operation of a full-wave rectifier with a centre tap with an active load
  3. Operation of a full-wave rectifier with centre tap and active - inductive load and limitеd inductance
  4. Operation of a full-wave rectifier with centre tap and active - inductive load with infinite inductance
  5. Operation of single-phase half-wave rectifier with active load
  6. Operation of the half-wave rectifier with active - inductive load and limited inductance
  7. Operation of the half-wave rectifier with center tap and opposite-EMF and active-inductive load
  8. Operation of the half-wave rectifier with center tap with opposite- EMF and active load
  9. Operation of the rectifier with opposite- EMF

Conditions: α=0, ra=0, Ld=0, 0 < C <


Figure 1.7


The equations describing electric processes in the circuit are

Let's designate:

λ - a pulse thyristor current duration,

φ – a delay angle of the thyristor switching on is fixed concerning a point of natural switching on.

Let's consider intervals:


The thyristor is on-state:


Let's find IT.

2) -

The thyristor is off-state:


According to second Kirchhoff’s law

Characteristic equation is


Root of this equation is


Then a voltage across the condenser is


Current through the load is


Current of the condenser is


Voltage across the thyristor is


Constant A we could be defound from the condition:




Let's define



Figure 1.7


According to the diagram of changing the function tg(u)

limits by


For active load:

for the capacitive load: ,

From the condition of the no interrupted process, i.e. periodicity of electromagnetic processes in the circuit, we could find φ:

This transcendental equation can be solved graphically or by numerical methods by computer.





Fig. 1.8 – The diagram of electric processes in a single-phase half-wave circuit of the rectifier with resistive-capacitive load.


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