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The controlled three-phase circuit with a centre tap

  1. Consideration of a stage of switching of thyristors for a full-wave rectifier with centre tap and active - inductive load with infinite inductance
  2. Donetsk Youth Debate Centre – UKRAINE (2011-PL-67) represented by Olga SOBCHENKO
  3. Equivalent polyphase circuits
  4. Impedance in an AC circuit. The stress resonance
  5. Operation of a full-wave rectifier with a centre tap with an active load
  6. Operation of a full-wave rectifier with centre tap and active - inductive load and limitеd inductance
  7. Operation of a full-wave rectifier with centre tap and active - inductive load with infinite inductance
  8. Parallel connection of double three-phase bridge rectifiers
  9. Read the text “Integrated Circuits” and fill in the table.
  10. The account of a stage of switching for three phase rectifier with centre tap


Conditions: La=0; Ld=0


Figure 1.30



It is a regime of unremitting current


Conditions: La=0; Ld=0


Figure 1.31


It is a regime of limiting-unremitting current

Conditions: La=0; Ld=0 -



Figure 1.32


It is a regime of intermittent current


Condition: La=0; Ld = ∞

Figure 1.33


It is a regime of unremitting current




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