The three-phase rectifier with a centre tap
A three-phase source of energy is applied to mean- and high-power consumers. The transformer primary winding of the three-phaserectifier with a centre tapis connected either in star, or in triangle. Such circuit differs in high operating ratio of the transformer. The filter dimensions could be reduced, or generally do without it.
1.10.1 Conditions: α=0, La=0, Ld=0
Figure 1. 21
Figure 1.21
Constant component the rectified voltage is
The voltage of a transformer secondary winding is
Let's discover ITM at Ld=0
At Ld=∞ Þ ITM=Id
The constant component of a rectified current is
The peak-inverse voltage is
The active value of a secondary winding current at Ld=0 is
The full power of a secondary winding is
Let define the waveforms of primary currents at various transformer connections. A field current is neglected.
I. Δ/Y
Figure 1.22, 1.23
Let consider that thyristor VS1 is on-state.
At connection of a primary winding in a triangle, the phase current irrespectively of other currents flows through the primary winding. Thus, the phase current of the primary winding iAB is determined by a alternating component of the current i2a, i.e.
Similarly for B and C phases:
Line currents:
Let's discover summarized MMF of the transformer limbs:
There are formed unidirectional uncompensated MMF in the transformer limbs, calling a flux of the forced magnetization. As results should be a saturation of the core and a considerable growth of the field current. To avoid these phenomena it is necessary to increase core section
II. Υ / Υ
Figure 1.24
Let consider that thyristor VS1 is on state.
When a primary winding is in star-connection the primary current flows through three transformer windings at the same time and in an origin the condition is satisfied
(first Kirchhoff’s law)
In view of it and equilibrium of a magnetic system by an alternating component of a windings current is formed by the system of equations with 3 unknowns:
The line currents, which satisfy this system, are
Similarly for intervals of working VS2 and VS3.
Figure 1.25
Summarized MMF of the transformer limbs is
It is obvious that
Similarly for intervals of working VS2 and VS3.
Thus there are formed unidirectional uncompensated MMF in the transformer limbs, but as against the connection of a primary winding by a triangle where F0 has only a direct component N2i2a/3, F0 has also alternating component for the primary winding by star, i.e. F0 creates the pulsing magnetic flux, which frequency 3fC.
Figure 1.26
It is possible to apply a connection of the secondary windings by zigzag for liquidation of the forced magnetization flux.
The secondary current simultaneously flows through two half-winding located on the next transformer limbs, but in opposite directions, therefore unidirectional no compensated MMF F0 do not arise.
Through VS1 flows a current, when voltage U21 is greatest.
Figure 1.27
Through VS2 – when voltage U22 is greatest.
Through VS3 - when voltage U23 is greatest.
σ= 30о
Let's discover summarized MMF on the transformer limbs.
Figure 1. 28
Similar expressions describe currents and MMF for intervals of conductivity VS2 and VS3.
Thus, the forced magnetic fluxes are absent.
1.10.2. Rated parameters of the transformer at Ld =
I. ∆/Υ
Figure 1.29
II. Υ/Υ - for this windings connection rated parameters of the transformerarethe same as for ∆/Υ. As there is no an alternating component of the load current waveform the primary currents are same for ∆/Υ and Υ/Υ at Ld = ∞.
Ud waveform shapes from a phase-to-phase voltage
Phase voltage of a secondary winding is
Loading of thyristors is identical to all three circuits, since the currents waveforms of thyristors iТ are same:
Comparing ST it is seen that for the transformer which secondary winding is connected in Z, ST is greater in 1.09 times than for the transformer which secondary winding is connected in star. However, weight increasing of a magnetic system of the transformer with a secondary star due to the forced magnetic flux is not taken into account in this case.
Weight of a magnetic system of the transformer with a secondary star raises less, than 1.09 times while the rectified current is less than 50-100 A. In the case of the high currents weight of a magnetic system raises more, than 1.09 times comparing with weight of a magnetic system of the transformer with a secondary zigzag.
Therefore at low powers (up to 20-25 KW) is more favorable to apply the circuit with a secondary star, at the high powers - with secondary Z.
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