Operation of a full-wave rectifier with a centre tap with an active load
Conditions: La=0, Ld=0, ra=0, 0 <α < π/2
A peak thyristor current is
The function of load voltage is
The average rectified voltage is
It is a control characteristic
Figure 1.10
A requirements to equipment could be determined at α = 0, this condition fixes a peak load of a transformer and thyristors.
From here the rms-voltage of the secondary winding is
and a peak inverse voltage is
URM = 2E2m = πEd0.
An average rectified current is
From here at α = 0
It is obviously, that loading of thyristors and the transformer have maximum at α = 0. It is visible from the waveforms of currents and voltages at the diagrams, therefore requirements to thyristors and the transformer we shall determine proceeded from this condition.
Average current of thytistor is
Current of a secondary winding of the transformer at a = 0 is
Let's define
Let's define full power of primary winding S1, full power of secondary winding S2 and type power of the transformer ST
External characteristic Ud = f (Id)
Udα = Edα – (ra + rT) Id,
where rT – a forward dynamic resistance of the thyristor (it is considered as a constant), Edα – a external EMF at no-load,
At Idα = 0 Þ Udα = Edα .
Figure 1.11
Operating ratio of the transformer by power is
That is greater in 2 times than for a half-wave circuit as there is no permanent magnetizing and КP→1 at a= 0 since the transformer is not loaded by the higher harmonics of a current i1.
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