“Bad Karma,” “Big Blue Bus,” “Black and Blue,” “Guava,” “Healthy Start,” “Hemorrhoid,” “Lieland,” “Mourners’ Meal,” “Mystique,” “Parallel Universes,” “The Polite Little Boy,” “Suddenly, a Knock on the Door,” “Unzipping,” and “What Animal Are You?” were translated by Miriam Shlesinger.
“Bitch,” “Cheesus Christ,” “Creative Writing,” “A Good One,” “Grab the Cuckoo by the Tail,” “Joseph,” “Not Completely Alone,” “Pick a Color,” “September All Year Long,” “Shut,” “Simyon,” “Snot,” “Surprise Party,” and “What Do We Have in Our Pockets?” were translated by Sondra Silverston.
“Ari,” “One Step Beyond,” “Pudding,” “The Story, Victorious,” “Teamwork,” “Upgrade,” and “What, of This Goldfish, Would You Wish?” were translated by Nathan Englander.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux 18 West 18th Street, New York 10011
Copyright © 2010 by Etgar Keret
English translation copyright © 2012 by Etgar Keret
Published by arrangement with the Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature All rights reserved
Originally published in Hebrew in 2010 by Zmora-Bitan as Pit’om Defikah Ba-Delet Published in the United States by Farrar, Straus and Giroux First American edition, 2012
Designed by Jonathan D. Lippincott
eISBN 9781466816206
First eBook Edition: March 2012
Some of these translations previously appeared, in slightly different form, in The New Yorker, Harper’s Magazine, McSweeney’s, Zoetrope: All Story, Tin House, n+1, One Story, BQMB magazine, THINQon, The Yearbook of Comparative Literature, Electric Literature, Conjunctions, Gulf Coast, and Pearl Noir!.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Keret, Etgar, 1967–
[Pit’om defikah ba-delet. English]
Suddenly, a knock on the door / Etgar Keret; translated from the Hebrew by Miriam Shlesinger, Sondra Silverston, and Nathan Englander.—1st American ed.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-0-374-53333-5 (alk. paper)
1. Keret, Etgar, 1967–—Translations into English. I. Shlesinger, Miriam, 1947–II. Silverston, Sondra. III. Englander, Nathan. IV. Title.
PJ5054.K375 P5813 2012 892.4’36—dc23
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