Match the English variant with Russian equivalents.
1. He is said to have worked at that Institute.
2. He is said to have invented anew device.
3. He is said to have created a new theory.
4. He is said to have introduced a new method.
5. He is said to have observed this phenomenon.
| a. Говорят, что он внедрил новый метод.
b. Говорят, что он создал новую теорию.
c. Говорят, что он наблюдал это явление.
d. Говорят, что он работал в том институте.
e. Говорят, что он изобрел новый прибор.
Translate paying attention to the Infinitive Construction.
A. 1) 1. Не is said to test new devices. 2. He is said to be testing a new device now. 3. He is said to have tested a new device for electronic industry.
2) 1. He is reported to grow crystals. 2. He is reported to be growing a new type of crystal now. 3. He is reported to have grown a new type of crystal.
B. 1. They are known to developa new device. 2. They are known to have developeda new device. 3. He is supposed to have left Minsk. 4. They are believed to have obtainednew data. 5. Their plant is said to have produceda new kind of insulation. 6. This plant is said to producea new kind of insulation.
13. Match English and Russian equivalents.
a) Without destroying; b) without maintaining; c) without studying; d) without replacing; e) without creating
1. без изучения; 2. не замещая; 3. не поддерживая; 4. не создавая; 5. не разрушая
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