Exercise 8. Get ready to answer the following questions using the words in the brackets.
1. Why didn’t Jane go home before taking Ken’s job? Was she scared to go to the restaurant?
(to feel limp; to admit; to back out; to call smb; to hang up; to taste like rubber; to face; to introduce smb; misgivings; to march down the street; to be in sight; to stare at; to take over; to tremble; to say with a frown; to look in the eye)
2. What ideas came into Jane’s mind as she tackled the job?
(to handle the dishes; unappetizing shambles; to quit; to relinquish one’s position; an appeal for smb; one’s mental picture of smb; to revise; a love affair; a crusade; all-absorbing interest; vital; to shape one’s career; to believe in smb; the shreds of jealousy; to look challenging)
3. What did Jane and Mr. Wright discuss?
(to pool one’s experience; to remind of; to do a page; disapproving; public opinion; to belong to smb; to be willing to do; a car bug; to interest smb; to have a flare for mechanics; to take engineering; to put smth into words; to see about smth)
4. Did Jane confess where she had spent the evening?
(to look up from smth; to keep a secret; to have a romance; to throw at; to pinch-hit for smb; reddened hands; to doubt)
5. What did Jane become concerned about? What idea did she suggest to Ken?
(to catch up with smb; to fail to do; to cut classes; to be concerned; to plead a headache; relief; to wield a paint-brush; to bring to mind; a hot rod club; to get together; contributing members; to accomplish; to rent)
6. Was it easy for Jane to wait for Ken and his father to come home from the airport? Who was the first to see them?
(to keep one’s mind at hand; to become jitter; to recall to the subject; to get smth on one’s mind; a glimpse of; to drag; to know smb vaguely; to outgrow a habit; to park in the drive; to appear casual; to be pleased as Punch)
7. What joy did Ken share with Jane?
(to give the sigh of relief; an old signal; to snatch up; to grab one’s hands; to work fine; to go over the figures; to act interested; to be keyed up with excitement; not to care; to purr like a tabby cat)
8. How did the work on the yearbook influence Jane’s and Gordon’s position among their friends?
(to postpone; to be in sight; tedious; stimulating; to build a book; to be a credit to smb; to be in complete understanding; to become a part; to hover; to have smth to do with; to belong; to feel abject; to feel jealous)
9. Who drove Jane home from the Snack Shop?
(to stroll in; Christmas shopping; to drive smb home; to look like a hearse; ceremoniously; to write captions; a club president; to appreciate; to be sore; to look alert)
10. Who did Jane go to the Christmas dance with?
(a sense of obligation; to accept; to come down with; gardenias; to play second fiddle; to get back with smb)
11. Who asked Belinda for a date?
(to douse oneself with; to be a good sport; to take a dim view of smb; any port in a storm; to have a date; to underestimate; to give a big play; to get up enough courage to do smth)
Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 612 | Нарушение авторских прав