Sustainable tourism development connects tourists and providers of tourist facilities and services with advocates of environmental protection and community residents and their leaders who desire a better quality of life. Each group has its constituents.
As they realize how their interests overlap and as they identify common goals, they will be more inclined to collaborate.
An important function of local planners is to assist in this collaboration through the planning, development and management process.
Tourism is now one of the world's major industries and continues to expand. It can be viewed in terms of demand and supply — demand by the tourists and supply of attractions, facilities and services, transportation, and promotion and information.
Market trends show that tourists are becoming more activity oriented and environmentally conscious, and that tourist markets are increasingly fragmented.
In response, the tourism product or supply is also changing.
The environment is the basis for the natural and cultural resources for attracting tourists. Therefore, environmental protection is essential for the long-term success of tourism. Carrying capacity is a key concept in planning for sustainable tourism development.
The concept refers to the maximum use which can be made of a site without causing detrimental effects on its resources, diminishing tourist satisfaction levels or generating socioeconomic problems for the local community.
Communities receive various benefits of tourism which should lead to an improved quality of life for residents.
However, it is essential that community residents be involved in the decision-making on planning, developing and managing tourism and receive equitable benefits from this sector.
Community participation can be encouraged in various ways.
Through the cooperation and productive interaction of the tourism industry, environmental protectors and community, all can benefit and achieve an improved quality of life for the community.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 545 | Нарушение авторских прав