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The old city of Baturin

If you are looking for the feelings of antiquity, provincial peace and communication with kindly locals, Baturin is the place you need.

Baturin doubly was capital of Levoberezhnaja Ukraine. Today it is the small village arranged in 190 kilometres from Kiev, in picturesque surroundings, which is possible to be contemplated from rather abrupt coast of the river Seym. In Baturin there is a monument to the prominent Ukrainian beekeeper Peter Prokopovich. He first-ever has invented a movable-frame hive.

Inhabitants of Baturin are proud that, their ancestors two centuries lived near the hetmans and their city had the status Magdebourg. From those times the palace of the last hetman Cyril Razumovsky, сreated by the eminent Englishman Cameron, building up half of Petersburg, was saved.

Now the palace is being restored. Further you should be shaded slide for the pointers: a sign even points an oak which hollow was for a letter box for Ivan Mazepy and Motri Kochubey correspondence. Country museum of local lore, history and economy is situated in Vasilj Kochubey’s dwelling, described by Pushkin in "Poltava"

But the main remarkable sight of Baturin is Razumovsky church - tomb. And there is an outlet on a small site from which the view on the river and its inflow is unclosed. To go down to the Seym, you have to descend along the paved cube path.

You will be pleased with the only unique small restaurant under a simple title “Old Baturin” and surprised not only by the prices, but also by the local cuisine. The masters will make you delicious coffee with the all knack of cookery.

You can get there with your friends by car following the highway to Moscow. The local inhabitants like the visitors from the capital, so that you will get accommodation without any problems.

You will not be able to resist local charm of this town.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 467 | Нарушение авторских прав

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