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Tourist Attractions and Entertainment (3)

  1. Text B. Culture, Leisure, Entertainment, Sports
  2. Tourist Attractions and Entertainment (2)
  3. Touriste - standart
  4. Touriste sceptique
  5. Tourists

A cruise ship is a floating hotel, one which the passengers cannot leave outside a port. Most cruises therefore try to keep up a party atmosphere throughout the voyage, with games, dancing, costume parties, gambling, and whatever other activities can be devised within a rather limited space. Entertainers are often hired for the entire trip, and they are often big-name performers. Most cruise ships employ a social director whose job includes involving all of the passengers in the activities that are offered. Throughout history, markets have given performers a chance to entertain. Indeed, many people have gone to trade fairs as much for amusement as for buying and selling. Market fairs still exist that seem to have changed very little from long ago. Those at Chichicastenango in Guatemala and the famed Jamaa El Fna in Marrakech,Morocco, are good examples. In modern times, fairs, like many other aspects of life, have become institutionalized. Dating from the Crystal Palace in London in 1851, many countries exhibit their products at big world's fairs in the midst of a sort of carnival atmosphere. Another modern development is the amusement park,a carnival with a variety of games, thrill rides, magic shows, and other kinds of entertainment. It occupies a fixed location rather than moving from place to place, as old-time carnivals did. A recent development is the theme park, an amusement park that is designed around a unifying concept. The two huge Disney enterprises, Disneyland in California and Disney World in Florida, are the most successful examples of this kind of created tourist attraction. From a commercial point of view, they have the enormous advantage in that they are designed to appeal to entire fam­ily groups rather than to any particular age level.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 559 | Нарушение авторских прав

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