АкушерствоАнатомияАнестезиологияВакцинопрофилактикаВалеологияВетеринарияГигиенаЗаболеванияИммунологияКардиологияНеврологияНефрологияОнкологияОториноларингологияОфтальмологияПаразитологияПедиатрияПервая помощьПсихиатрияПульмонологияРеанимацияРевматологияСтоматологияТерапияТоксикологияТравматологияУрологияФармакологияФармацевтикаФизиотерапияФтизиатрияХирургияЭндокринологияЭпидемиология

Questions for the control

  1. Answer the questions.
  2. Answer the questions.
  3. Exercise 6. Answer the questions .
  4. IV. Answer the questions
  5. TEST 6 Clinical Questions (Diseases)
  6. TEST 7 Clinical Questions (Diseases)

Of the MODULE 1


On the final module control student should execute the following tasks:


№№ tasks number of grades
1. To execute 40 tests 40 grades;
2. Tо answer 2 theoretical questions 20 grades
3. To write the name of the 1 scheme №… and to write labels to the scheme 10 grades
4. To write the name of the microslide №… and to describe it 10 grades
Total 80 grades


I. Maximum quantity of marks for 40 tests – 40 grades:

38 - 40 correct answers and equal 38 - 40 grades;

31 - 37 correct answers - 31 - 37 grades;

23 - 30 correct answers - 23 - 30 grades;

1- 23 correct answers - 1 - 23 grades.


II. Maximum quantity of marks for the answer to theoretical questions – 20:

20 grades – if the student has answered correctly all questions;

15 grades – if the student could not give full answer all questions;

10 grades – if the student’s answer was brief;

0 grades – if the student has not answered all questions.


III. Maximum grades for determination of a micro slide -10:

0 grades – the answer is incorrect,

5 grades – the answer is correct, but the student cannot correctly describe a


10 grades – the student has determined a microslide correctly and described it.


IV. Maximum grades for determine 1 scheme (10 grades):

10 grades – if the student has answered correctly all questions;

5 grades – if the student could not answer all questions;

1 grades – if the student’s answer was brief;

0 grades – if the student has not answered on questions.


V. Total number of grades – 80; minimum – 50 grades (positive mark).

VI. Structure of the lesson

№№ tasks Time (min.)
1. To execute 40 tests  
2. Tо answer 2 theoretical questions  
3. To write the name of the 1 scheme №… and to write labels to the scheme  
4. To write the name of the microslide №… and to describe it  
5. Summary of the lesson  
Total time  


Questions for the control

«Cellular-molecular level of the life organization».

1. Biology as a science. Place and tasks of the medical biology in the doctors training process.

2. Definition of life at the contemporary stage of the biological science development. Forms and main features of the living organisms.

3. Structural levels of the living matter organization. Medical importance.

4. Cell as the elementary structural and functional unit of all living matter. Pro- and eukaryotic cells.

5. Cell theory, its contemporary condition and importance for the medical science.

6. Morphology of the cell. Cytoplasm and cell organelles.

7. Cell membranes. Chemical structure. Dimensional organization and its significance.

8. Nucleus of the cell in the interphase. Chromatin: levels of hereditary material organization (euchromatin, heterochromatin).

9. Chromosomal and genome level of the hereditary material organization during mitotic division.

10. Chemical structure and peculiarities in the morphological structure of the chromosomes. Dynamics of its structure in the cell cycle (in the interphase and metaphase).

11. Human karyotype. Morph functional characteristics and classification of the human chromosomes. Medical importance of the karyotype study.

12. Molecular level of the hereditary material organization. Nucleic acids and its significance.

13. Gene structure. Structural genes, regulatory genes. t-RNA and r-RNA synthesis.

14. DNA replication and its significance. Self correction and repair of the DNA.

15. Genetic code and its properties.

16. Main stages of the protein biosynthesis.

17. Translation, initiation, elongation and termination. Post-translational modification of the proteins.

18. Peculiarities of the genetic information realization at eukaryotes. Exon - intron organization of the genes at eukaryotes. Processing, splicing.

19. Peculiarities of the gene work in pro- and eukaryotic cells.

20. Genetic engineering and biotechnology.

21. Cell cycle and its periods.

22. Cell division. Mitotic activity. Infringements of the mitosis.

23. Life of the cell outside of the organism. Cells cloning. Significance of the tissue culture for the medical science.



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