TEST 6 Clinical Questions (Diseases)
1. Women around the age of the menopause are in a risk group for ….
1) encephalitis
2) rhinitis
3) haemofilia
4) osteoporosis
2. Muscle … is a symptom of polymiositis.
1) weakness
2) swelling
3) sweating
4) cell
3. Evaluation … 3 main stages.
1) consist of
2) consists
3) includes
4) included
4. … lifestyle and traumas are risk factors for muscle disorders.
1) Sentimental
2) Sedentary
3) Splendid
4) Silly
5. Treatment includes … antibiotics.
1) oval
2) ok
3) only
4) oral
6. Call your doctor when ….
1) Comfortable
2) convenient
3) continent
4) immediately
7. The most common symptoms of pneumonia include…
1) shortness of breath
2) productive cough
3) fever
4) all of the above
8. The synonyms for evaluation are…
1) examination
2) auscultation
3) palpation
4) investigation
9. The synonyms for medicines are…
1) drugs
2) medications
3) doctors
4) treatment
10. The most typical … of respiratory diseases are breathlessness, cough, wheezing, high temperature, and difficulty breathing.
1) risk factors
2) cases
3) symptoms
4) causes
11. What visualizing method is usually used to distinguish pneumonia and severe bronchitis?
1) CT
2) MRI
3) X-ray
4) temperature measurements
12. Which of the following is a warning sign of a stroke?
1) loss of speech or trouble talking
2) loss of vision, particularly in one eye
3) numbness or weakness on one side of the body
4) all of the above symptoms
13. … is NOT a common symptom of most strokes.
1) weakness
2) numbness
3) trouble talking
4) muscle pain
14. To reduce your risk of stroke…
1) maintain a sedentary lifestyle
2) exercise regularly
3) have more than two alcoholic drinks per day
4) limit fat or oil added in cooking
15. Which of these can be a symptom of a heart attack, but is generally NOT a symptom of stroke?
1) aphasia
2) chest pain
3) altered vision
4) paralysis on one side of the body
16. … for bronchitis includes: oral antibiotics, bronchodilators, aerosols, inhalations, acetaminophen or aspirin for fever control.
1) evaluation
2) risk factors
3) causes
4) treatment
17. The brain is ….
1) an organ in the head which controls thought, hearing and feeling
2) a large organ which clears the blood
3) a bony part of the head and face
4) a fluid tissue composed of plasma, red and white corpuscles and platelets
18. The spinal cord is responsible for ….
1) memory and speech
2) the flow of blood in the right direction
3) body metabolism
4) muscular contractions, movements
19. Anemia is caused by….
1) chemical or physical injury to the lungs
2) deficiency of red blood cells and/or hemoglobin
3) persistent hyperglycemia
4) kidney stones
20. The only way to definitively diagnose most cases of anemia is….
1) blood tests
2) GI series
3) thyroid profile
4) biopsy
21. The lack of iron associated with anemia can cause….
1) hypoxemia
2) pulmonary embolism
3) sudden sweating
4) multiple joint pains
22. Essential prevention of iron deficiency anemia is….
1) personal hygiene
2) consumption of food rich in iron
3) removal of the affected lens
4) taking aspirin
23. Iron-rich foods include…
1) dried fruits
2) hematuria
3) sawdust
4) chocolate and ice-cream
24. One of the main risk groups for anemia is….
1) diabetics
2) children up to 1 year old
3) cigarette smokers
4) females of child-bearing age
25. Treatment modalities for anemia include….
1) anti-inflammatory drugs
2) thrombolytic therapy
3) iron supplementation
4) surgery
26. Atherosclerosis is a disease affecting….
1) nerve tissue
2) arterial blood vessel
3) thyroid gland
4) bone marrow
27. The most common symptoms for atherosclerosis are….
1) severe headaches
2) painless jaundice
3) no symptoms
4) hemodynamic instability
28. The first method of treatment for anemia is non-pharmaceutical such as….
1) cessation (giving up) of smoking and regular exercise
2) radiotherapy
3) insulin injections
4) diet low in protein
29. Diagnostic methods for Atherosclerosis are….
1) muscle biopsy
2) blood gas analysis
3) cholesterol tests
4) pulpation
30. Give the most appropriate synonym for the word “mortality”:
1) death rate
2) morbidity rate
3) natural growth rate
4) life expectancy
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